The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by GarbagePlateWeirdo

  1. .
    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 7/19/2021, 10:22 PM) 
    I hate decorative pillows on beds. Especially in a hotel, you just know that the last time those things were washed was the twelfth of never. :cry:

    That and they were likely picked up off the floor to be placed back on the bed :o:
  2. .
    No top sheet!
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    QUOTE (gardenhoe @ 14/7/2021, 23:30) 
    I don’t understand hiding in the van from other campers rather than setting up her chair.

    Well, I kind of do. I mean, really, what is she supposed to do lol. Sit at her little play camping table. By herself. Doing what?

    I could see if you were actually on your own, but she wasn’t. She was literally surrounded by kids, families, and friend groups. She would have looked like a weirdo

  4. .
    So much fun that she went to bed at 8:30 :confused-smiley-emoticon-1:
  5. .
    Stoked that she is back! Lame content, but damn, I’ll take it.

    I don’t know about you but I would feel so alone being alone around families, children, and couples. Don’t get me wrong, I’m an introvert, don’t really like people, and am happy as a clam being by myself, but when in juxtaposition to families and friends having a great time, I’d personally feel like a loser 🤷‍♀️

    Aside from the lake itself, god damn that camping site was atrocious.
  6. .
    QUOTE (IceCreamBinge @ 6/8/2021, 07:58 PM) 
    I’m debating what I’d like to see more:

    A blubbering Jen getting rejected from her heart home and finally realizing she blew up her pampered life for a Glennon Doyle book and a can of chick peas.

    Or, Jen worming her way into Utah, listening to the fam praising T’s prowess in the kitchen, the kids gathering around ‘the fun mom with the good food’, and the new Melissa breezily chatting away while Jen sulks in the basement with her ice cream and conventional avocados.

    Superb dilemma. It's a win-win :1485540604: :rubbing-hands-in-excitement-smi
  7. .
    QUOTE (WholeWheatMuffins @ 7/6/2021, 06:14) 
    Okay, so if you are home alone do you sleep with your bedroom door closed?

    Alone or not, door has to be open
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    QUOTE (Child3 @ 6/6/2021, 07:34 PM) 
    I don't know about D&T or Jen's future, but there are some beautiful love stories on this board!

    Just had to share that I love your profile pic. Such a dork :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic
  9. .
    She is so weak for a bitch.

    She just can’t handle ANY amount of criticism. Never could. What a one sided relationship she has with her “friends”. She doesn’t like what people say, mute them....

  10. .
    Thanks for the link AbundanceOfCaution. The new fireplace is gorgeous! Job well done. Eat your heart out Jen.
  11. .
    Link please :cheering-clapping-smiley-emotic
  12. .
    QUOTE (Good Ol’ Suze @ 26/4/2021, 21:59) 
    Jen is determined to buy her way out of her depression. And although it is only a temporary fix, it amuses me to no end to watch her squander her ex-cager’s check each month.

    Come on Jen, spend it ALL.


  13. .
    C1C41064-7C3F-4EA7-94C9-4216266C23DAWhaaaat a fuucking biiitch. Could you imagine having lived with that for so long?!??

    I too revel in the fact that she is bombarded with dms and comments that piss her off. 9FA142E7-92BF-4A77-B052-5F74EC95DD9D
  14. .
    1. What a fucking liar. She makes it sound as if she’s doing this as a way to cope with being apart from her kids. How about planning, organizing, or buying stuff for things to do with the kids as a way to deal with them being away? Why not plan a fun little overnight trip with the kids? Or day outings to the zoo, her stupid frozen lake, a picnic in the park, a scavenger hunt, movie night and crafts, idfk just something. Or perhaps finish unpacking and furnishing your fucking house? Occupy your time away from them by making it a warm home for your kids instead of the literally empty shell that it is

    2. She plans on taking her kids on MANY adventures in the years to come. What a fucking liar. Really believable when she can’t/won’t even take them to a local store

    3. “I hope that answers all of your questions”. Not. Even. Close.

    4. “I’ll probably just make one of my sweet potato tofu deals”. Pretty sure you know exactly what you’re going to make idiot, you shopped and packed for the trip...

    her dinner looked mouthwatering 🙄

    and her ass huge

    5. I hope she felt like the solitary loser she is around those other campers likely filled with young in love couples and families

    6. And I hope she was exhausted having to unpack ALL THAT SHIT when she got home

    7. She was avoiding people at the park because being alone around others there highlights what a loser she is (see #5)

    8. Fun. Eating all alone. In the back of a van 🤭

    9. The fact that she was on the VERGE OF TEARS describing how happy she is doing something that is SO FAR from her everyday life with kids, just so accurately sums up how miserable she is at home with them. She hates her life.

    You can see the moment she realized that she was going on and on and on about how happy she is in the van and how she is living her dream....”oh, wait I mean one of my dreams”. Nice catch, Jennifer, nice catch. Don’t forget those daggers!
  15. .
    This is going to be a flop just like all her other hobbies, except this time she's rebranded. What an epic mistake.

    Midlife crisis, manic episode, denial at imploding her marriage and a guy who ADORED her, whatever the cause, this shit show isn't going to end well. And I'm here for it. Can't think of another who's more deserving of the crash that's coming :1485540604:

    She is so stupid. And a terrible, terrible mother.
212 replies since 26/12/2018