The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Elle Avate

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    QUOTE (Bridget @ 2/5/2024, 17:59) 
    I was a stay at home married mom when my 3 kids were little. I had an in home day care with a few other kids all day. Never had help and maybe a once a year vacation with the kids. I NEVER complained and felt overwhelmed. She is SO spoiled and priveledged. Someday it will all come crashing down because she didn't save for that rainy day.

    Me too. And just for reference, day care moms typically work very long days--working mom's 8 hour plus lunch break shift plus commute time which could be up to an additional hour each way. It never occurred to me to complain. I looked at it as a season in life and was grateful to be able to earn money while being home with my kids.
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    QUOTE (LemonHead @ 28/4/2024, 05:04) 
    I'm pretty sure BJ is over 26. Maybe closer to 28 at this point. Definitely old enough to be responsible for his own healthcare and life mishaps. Tawra always talked about how they didn't pay for anything for their kids. No extra curriculars, if they wanted a cell phone they had to buy it themselves etc etc etc. So why pay for a grown child who's almost 30 years old? Where's Tawra's tough love now?

    Really the proof is in the pudding. Tawra is dealing with the consequences of not spending an extra nickel on anything “extra” for her kids such as college or trade school. Yes, her kids could have taken out student loans or gone to community college, but I think she brainwashed them into believing there was no value in college. Yep, it sucks to be her kid, pushing 30 with little or no job skills unless you count pizza delivery. My sister just mentioned her son is graduating from college this year. He’s older around BJ’s age and I think didn’t get a free ride. But he kept at it and has already accepted a position starting at 140K a year.
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    QUOTE (LemonHead @ 24/4/2024, 00:38) 
    Interesting she mentions taking the calculator to the grocery store and adding in tax so she doesn't come up short. Most food in the grocery store in Texas is tax free. The only items that are taxable are maybe some of the snack foods. No shocker there that she is not buying whole foods, but rather a load of junk.

    I see this being a useful strategy for an 18 year old just learning to budget. Dawn is a 50-something year old woman with a good 30 years experience managing a household. Something is seriously wrong if she needs to calculate sales tax before checking out at the grocery store.
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    Plus all she had to do for Landon's bday party was basically show up and pay the venue. Okay, looks like she supplied the goody bags, something a working mom would shop for on her workday lunch hour. And wasn't it a FATHER daughter dance? Great work ethic Bri! What do you want to bet her course stresses the importance of consistency?
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    QUOTE (ATX @ 20/4/2024, 17:58) 
    Meg always uses shitty drugstore foundation and it looks awful on her. There are good drugstore foundations so I don't know what she's doing

    Maybe slathering it on. Using a foundation brush and not too much product makes such a difference.
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    QUOTE (Keekay @ 19/4/2024, 16:33) 
    She really is a 15 year old trapped in a 36 year old body. She is so excited over Taylor's new double album, she is screaming.

    I wonder how that will play out as Presley gets older? Probably okay during the preteen stage when Bri can join in and act as though she's still young, but there will likely be trouble ahead when Presley enters her teenage years, becomes more independent and Bri has to face the fact that she's middle-aged. That will be a very hard reckoning for her and she will be at a crossroad of sorts; she will need to decide whether to be comfortable in her own skin as a mature woman and mother or double down and compete with her teenage daughter.
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    QUOTE (Hjein23 @ 16/4/2024, 11:54) 
    She’s doing too much. She’s coming across as desperate. I think this is the first time she’s actually been single since the divorce?


    “Does that make sense?” No Bri, it does not. This woman astounds me! Survival mode? She lives in a lovely home in a nice neighborhood, always has a late model SUV of some sort, only has her kids 50% of the time and just got back from a cruise. She doesn’t spend 8 to 9 hours a day at the office with a one-hour commute each way and only two weeks a year off work. Could she be any more out of touch?
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    I can see doing a "vision board" (a visual compilation of your hopes and dreams for the future) as a Christian, but would draw the line at the concept of manifesting because that implies that somehow you have God-like powers to make things happen. Also, as a Christian you would hopefully move beyond the superficial when creating your vision board.
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    QUOTE (Cooper88 @ 14/4/2024, 18:31) 
    The man does nothing except drive MM around.

    And look how well that turned out (post-MVA grifting aside)
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    QUOTE (Bits of Botox @ 14/4/2024, 15:50) 
    8 million dollar forever home?
    Surprise wedding?
    Living in palm paradise?
    So in love?

    No surprise nothing about her children lol

    The candles and crystals are giving witchcraft not God’s plan


    Why does she worship money so much? And "easy, effortless, make your life easier"? It seems like she is already leading a pretty easy life.
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    QUOTE (Bits of narcissism @ 13/4/2024, 13:32) 
    Bri will rewrite history over and over to constantly be the victim. The real victims are the kids

    -any woman Adam gets serious with (judging by Bri's passive-aggressive snark)
    -her parents (how dare they not be able to afford every blessed thing Bri thought she deserved; boo-hoo, the family trips to Disneyland just weren't enough)
    -The Practically Perfect Family chick who derailed her Small World Vacations gig by befriending Bri

    This is obviously an incomplete list. No doubt there are many other casualties past, present and future.
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    QUOTE (Snarkygirllll @ 12/4/2024, 02:56) 
    Anyone else notice Deena is a Disney travel advisor and now bri wants to be one 🤣

    The internet is forever Brianna. That video of you drunk and bringing alcohol into Disney World while on Small World Vacation's dime might not work in your favor.
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    Bri's boohoo session about not getting alimony or child support was ridiculous and her comments claiming Adam is not paying for half the children's extracurricular activities are inappropriate and likely misleading. She earned more than Adam so should consider herself lucky she's not paying both spousal and child support. She puts on a halo talking about wanting post-divorce life to be better for her kids and then bashes their father online. As others have mentioned, it's unlikely she collaborated with him in deciding what activities to enroll the kids in, how many activities at a time and the cost. Even one activity per child could easily amount to several hundred dollars a month so both parents should have a say in the matter. Also I believe Bri mentioned Presley being enrolled in both dance and cheer. That's a lot. My daughter was a cheerleader and while she took dance and gymnastics (one activity at a time I might add) she was never enrolled in a cheerleading class. At Presley's age she had toy pom-poms and played with her friends pretending to be a cheerleader. Adam is supporting the kids half the time and probably has a budget, unlike Bri and her money tree. He could also be paying for things Bri isn't reimbursing him for, such as health insurance. Kids are expensive and it doesn't make you a bad parent if you either can't afford unlimited extracurricular activities or see more value in spending money differently, such as family outings or play equipment for the backyard.
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    QUOTE (Garbage pail kids @ 7/4/2024, 17:33) 
    QUOTE (Gossipfinder @ 7/4/2024, 16:35) 
    Considering it was within 20 minutes after I wrote that, I wonder If her or Ryan read this thread (which I'm fine with) but I call 'em like I see 'em. I don't like Brit anymore but when ryan-supporters and ryan-haters are COllECTIVELY AGREEING that Lindsaey is overstepping. Stay in your lane!!

    I bet they're posting on here too, not just reading

    QUOTE (Elle Avate @ 7/4/2024, 16:57) 
    I agree it would be better for Lindsey to wait until the dust has settled a bit before including the kids in her IG posts but if I were Brittany after looking at her IG page I'd honestly be happy Ryan chose someone like her to be with. She's beautiful, well-educated, active in her church and spending time doing kid-centeted activities. She looks like someone Brittany could have been friends with. I see Lindsey being a positive influence in the kids' lives. Hopefully Brittany will see that and not try to sabotage the relationship and/or set the kids up to feel conflicted about liking her. Personally I'd have been thrilled if my ex's new girlfriend was that interested in my kids. In my case he mailed wedding invitations to our children without ever having introduced them.

    Lindsey, is that you? 😂

    LOL, not hardly. I joined 5 years ago.
978 replies since 19/5/2019