The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by EyerollOlympian

  1. .
    Those kid activities are more appropriate for children who are 4 and 5. Not 6 and 8.
    At 8, my daughter and I did so much stuff together. All the stuff she packs for those children, is things she just throws at them, and leaves them alone.
    I have never seen a less involved parent. She never takes them anywhere in public, aside from cruise ships.
    She treats CC downright infantile.

    And what is with this woman and wrinkles? Her bedding, her sweatshirt, her LIPS. All dry and lifeless.
  2. .
    She drank tea from dried cattle silage , recommended by a charlatan, to "get pregnant" for TWO! years.
    Refusing accepted science on masks and covid is mild in comparison.
    The woman is a loon. A dangerous loon.
  3. .
    Is it my imagination or she has gained a nice chunk of weight during the looooooong month of January.
    She is unrecognizable! Someone should do before and afters.
  4. .
    She has completely thrown the gauntlet on looking decent , healthy, or any resemblance of personal care.
    Her speech is off as well, she sounds more unhinged than usual.
    I feel like Chins is heading to a complete nervous breakdown, and not to far in the future either. I hope we get to witness when it happens.
  5. .
    The woman controls how many times she writes 2023 in 2024. Something tells me the candy were not forgotten, but rather stashed.
  6. .
    Wow so that was 12min of Patreon quality content, eh? Shudder. If she posts this on YT a as a new YTber, he would get like 4 views.

    And there is nothing sadder then a rigid, controlling robot, trying to appear spontaneous and chill. It's like trying to bend a steel pipe.
    And her hair....oooooffff
  7. .
    When you have no life like Jin, everything is a major event.
  8. .
    She is taking photos of the thermostat because Peloton and The Bakery are her whole life. We told her the icicles are as sign of poor insulation, so of course, we get 4 IG stories of " SEE, IT AIN'T SOO".

  9. .
    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 1/12/2024, 01:51 PM) 
    It takes a lot of work to pack up a 5 and 8 year old? Jen constantly acts like she’s still got two under two.

    The kids are at the age where they’re perfectly capable of packing a small backpack of books/toys/things to do. Donny will even sit by the door with his bag and wait to leave.

    I guess Jill truly doesn’t do any babysitting, if the kids don’t already have these things at her house for them.

    Not only they are capable at that age, but they should be taught to do that, as a life skill in an emergency. I PRAAAAAAAY the SK or some other responsible adult practiced this with them. We practiced this with our kids around 5 years of age and had bug out bags prepped for us and the kids , for emergencies.
    Prolly way over the 3 heared one's head, but hopefully she will read and learn something.
  10. .
    Dwelling on how well the house held the temperature.........

    With the fireplace on, and temp outside of 3C/40F! Which is chilly but not freezing.
    I know you read here Jenbo, your Guardrail Grotto is still poorly insulated and likely has a moisture issue somewhere.
    Get a generator for the house, and enough blankets and food for the children. The weather is not going to get any better.
    And put a carpet in the Suitor Waiting room. It adds insulation.
  11. .
    Only jenbo can call gummies expensive, but pay hundreds for ill fitting Peloton clothes.
  12. .
    Just started watching and my blood pressure is already rising.

    Diddly shit for the kids, except cheap ass gummy vitamins, and dry crackers.

    4 liters of god awful kombucha for her, and 4 kg of epsom salt, followed by overpriced "stress gummies". NONE of that will work to make her a human being. Nor will help her recover from her back to back upper resp. infection. Just like the shag carped drink did not help her get pregnant.
    She could launder money or the mafia, on useless supplements and ineffective skin products alone.

    COLONIAL PONYTAIL....I am deceased.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol @ 1/10/2024, 12:10 PM) 
    Finally back from urgent care. Bronchitis.

    We're percolating.

    Please take care of yourself. And thank you for what you do.
  14. .
    QUOTE (AlltheReisenthels @ 1/10/2024, 11:44 AM) 
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 10/1/2024, 20:36) 
    I understand what people are saying but I can’t imagine dealing with a crazy narcissist like Jenny on a daily basis, let alone having to sit back and watch her make it all about herself and seeing her encouraging people to dig into something that should have remained private.

    Tens had to change her settings on Facebook to “message” rather than “add friend” because she was probably getting crazies trying to add her as a friend.

    I would probably do the same thing just to shut down all the speculation and conversations about my private life because fuck her! I don’t let people manipulate me like that.

    It seems she deleted the two hug-emojis she got recently under her family-pic. Maybe lurkers contacted the two guys?? I hope not.

    The hug emojis are still there. FB limits how many emojis can be shown. You can click and expand the reactions and you will see them.
  15. .
    It's the top 1%. They DGAF. They think the kids will be ok, because whatever happens, they can throw money at the problem, and fix anything.

    NARRATOR'S VOICE: They will fail.
2852 replies since 22/10/2019