The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by CrankyPantsApparently

  1. .
    This is such an example of why they are always behind the foot with their money!

    She was on IG saying a whole watermelon was $7 and that was too expensive. They bought a slice instead because it was only $1.65?

    Judging from the side of the slice, that watermelon yielded 25-30 slices...AND SHE IS GLOATING OVER HER BARGAIN!!!!!

    THIS is a prime example of a failure of so many systems...her parents failed to teach her better (and you KNOW her mother knows better), she didn't learn basic match in school, did she say she graduated high school, because there is no excuse for her to have gone through school and not leaned basic "cost per serving" mathmatics. This is why they won't every get out of their environment, they won't level up in life, in fact they will just sink back into abject poverty as soon as the credit card bills come in for all this low-quality/high cost upgrades she's been doing.

    Investing in pint and blue paint, when your walls are rotting and your window are falling out is just such poor decision making abilities at play.
  2. .
    QUOTE (Jemmer crack corn @ 5/8/2024, 11:33 AM) 
    Has anyone heard of Julie Pacheco?
    She's been doing casseroles and freezer meals and all that for a few years
    I just checked her stats, she has high views, high subs, and presents a no nonsense, cheerful way to Jammerill up some casseroles.
    But looks better, no drama .anyhooo. does she have a thread on here?.
    Sorry to hijack, but not really
    WTF else is going on ova here Jammy?
    The fun running? Yawn.

    I watch her now and again. She reminds me of Chandler....always ending a question? (you have to read that with your voice going up at the end like when Joey mocks Chandler)

    But she has good recipes, is pleasant and positive and consistent.
  3. .
    LOL...I kept wondering what sounded like it was Gona? what a weird name, they need a better PR person
  4. .
    I made a note to watch her making a bed on IG, in black bike shorts...and she indeed has a "bump".... it's probably her internal organs.

    They don't seem to eat much if any real's all highly processed fake things like non-dairy, gluten free, etc etc....if they live past 70 it will be because they petrified themselves from the inside out consuming so much preservatives.
  5. .
    QUOTE (MissKitty @ 5/8/2024, 07:04 AM) 
    A new personality that won’t last. I don’t think she understands the impact of trying to live a zero waste life or, how much work it takes to get there. Living a more sustainable life is really important to me and I’ve been working on making small changes for years, and I’m not even close to being zero waste.

    She doesn’t own the land! You can’t build a homestead on rented property.

    Stop trying to go all in on whatever idea you saw someone else talk about on TikTok.

    Make small changes over time, they add up. Here’s one to help you on your way to that zero waste lifestyle, stop using paper plates you moron.

    How many paper plates does it take to get the center of a zero waste homestead?

    (thinking about tootsie pops - I must be hungry)
  6. .
    I wonder if they also hope to fly under the radar a little bit by not showing her face on the original channel????
  7. .
    I thought Kimi hated Merina? But on IG she asking people to pray for Marina? Weird. I don't want Mernia so no idea what's going on there
  8. .
    QUOTE (KittyOfLeisure @ 5/5/2024, 07:51 PM) 
    I drilled through looking for what the meaning was.

    So cringe that she posted something about her not going viral and being happy with 20.

    Yes, but you are a person of exceptional intelligence, and you want to know the truth behind what they post!
  9. .
    I think she suddenly had a 2nd thought about posting something that obviously political and was quickly looking for a back peddle. No idea if most of her followers would care enough to follow it back and see what the content was actually about
  10. .
    QUOTE (brashumpire @ 5/5/2024, 02:03 PM) 
    I'm legitimately thinking she has an eating disorder.

    She had A tablespoon of egg whites for breakfast......

    That's not even a single egg

    I've said this for years, in my opinion she has orthrexia
  11. .
    they literally have nothing else to talk about except each other and their exercising...they have nothing else going on between their ears except counting to ten and trying to breath in/out at the same time.
  12. .
    Getting political doesn't usually go well for "mommy vloggers", unless you're Aaryn Williams...LOL
  13. .
    What am I missing about the IG posts with the embroidery machines and the phones?
  14. .
    Oh....don't get me started on putting that bedding on the bed without appearing to have washed it....and LORD FORBID that little girl have cute bright pink bedding....let's be sure and get barely beige on there STAT !
  15. .
    QUOTE (ID**’tEatSugar @ 5/4/2024, 12:07 PM) 
    Do any of you drink matcha? It seems so popular now. I tried a matcha latte from Starbucks and I thought it tasted like grass. :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    To quote Miranda on SATC: it tastes like lawn in a bowl
4994 replies since 10/11/2019