The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by CrankyPantsApparently

  1. .
    We do love to turn a basic drink into a lifestyle! Have you watched much about the Dirty Soda shops that started in Utah but are spreding? One of the coffee shops in our tiny town in Iowa started offering a couple of different Dirty Coke drinks!
  2. .
    QUOTE (Shopaholic @ 4/30/2024, 07:08 AM) 
    I'm taking a break from here. I just deleted a comment I made 2 hours ago. I've been called stupid and seeing the R word on that comment made by someone to kong was it for me. I know I don't have to announce my departure but want to say bye for now. Have fun snarking.

    I was also disappointed to see the R word.
  3. . who is Sarah OTOM?
  4. .
    It's so gross to sell what you got for free, and to do it right in front of Grove and her subscribers?

    If I were so hard up financially that I had to sell gifts someone/some company had given me ..... I would have someone else do it for me so no one saw my name LOL
  5. .
    .....with a spoon?

    Oh Dear.

    I'd probably have a stroke from the stress of wanting to reach into the TV and knock some sense into someone.
  6. .
    I went back and watched some more of that video over the weekend...I thought by the way she was cooking she must have at least 12 or 13 children...but only 7 in the home? (7 is still a lot....I'm just sayin'). By the end of the video wasn't it something like 10 dozen muffins and dozen breakfast sandwiches?

    The 12 overnight oats was what I was trying to figure out.....because I've tried those in the past, and one or two days...ok....but more than that and they were just too gluey to many days will 12 last?

    And that constantly referring to herself as Mega Mama...or Feed The Mama...or whatever that was? I've seen enough now, I can tell she isn't someone I'll find inspiriting or motivational LOL
  7. .
    Oh man....I thought it looked like brand new kitchen. Already broken dishwashers? They just don't build them like they used to LOL
  8. .
    I have never really watched her stuff until recently, what's the story behind two dishwashers, but a sink full of dirty dishes and another sink trying to wash huge bowls by hand?

    I apologize if this is a topic you've already covered and get irritated with a newcomer asking instead of reading....looks like this is an active board!
  9. .
    I noticed there seems to be "trend" about sleepovers that is very different from (especially) when I was a kid, and even from when my kids were young. I understand the reasoning, life in general just isn't as safe I guess.

    But Tara being sick...when didn't they literally just get a hotel room in their same city? Or am I misunderstanding that part?
  10. .
    Didn't she continue breastfeeding the youngest in the middle of the night for like...2 years?

    Look, this isn't about breastfeeding --- I did it when it was unpopular and doctors said formula was superior, but my point is she encouraged these broken sleep patterns...and let's never forget, they used to put the boys to bed at about 6:30-7:00 so they could have couple time then bitch up a storm when they woke up at 5:00am

    I've always felt like she encouraged her body to over produce just to burn calories. just my opinion LOL
  11. .
    It makes more sense when you take into account that her fans are kimi cope type of people.

    Oh good point...because there are days you read comments on Kimi's stuff and think....Jumping Jehoshaphat, are these people for reals? Is this the evidence of a collapsing education system...because some of these people are downright scary with their lack of just basic life skills let alone critibal thinking abilities!
  12. .
    No secret, I liked her back in the day.

    She slowly revealed her true colors.

    She has not changed, she's just trying harder to not show it because they want the $$

    And she absolutely made what happened to Molly "my business" when she created a parasocial relationship between her family, her dogs and her viewers. She cemented that when she went on rants about anyone that dared to ask about "poor molly".

    She wants everything to be a one way street - in which nothing but love comes her way, everything is praised, everything is monetized and no one is allowed an option that differs from their.
  13. .

    I have my grandmother's old pickle jar full of buttons she's saved from the 1800's until about 1920 - that my father turned into a little lamp on my kitchen counter. Love the little soft ambient light, and love that the women in my ancestry are all strung together through time and space.
  14. .
    Are there people that sleep more than that?

    Menopause ruined my chances of every getting more than 5-6 hours sleep a night LOL

    But ole' Tdot is barely able to function? The rest of us just live like that!
  15. .
    Yes, the book was on IG story. Sofia was drooling over it, but she's always had a little bit of a "prepper" vibe. She doesn't actually keep things that will help her survive, but she has enough dishes and corningware to make it through the Apocalypse without having to wash the dishes.
4994 replies since 10/11/2019