The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by LyingLiarWhoLies

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    QUOTE (PhotoshoppedlikeJenny @ 14/1/2024, 02:52) 
    QUOTE (JustAverageJane @ 1/14/2024, 02:44 AM) 
    I couldn't identify a TS song to save my life and I'm still pissed that she's a wannabe Swiftie.

    LOL, same.

    Me too !!! oh, thank God I’m not alone
    The only thing I know about Taylor Swift is she’s been featured too much at the Chiefs games!!!!!! But I too, am mad at Jenny for having anything to do with Taylor Swift…!!!!!
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    QUOTE (NetherRegionsManagement @ 12/1/2024, 15:52) 
    QUOTE (BerthaGene @ 12/1/2024, 15:47) 
    Hahahaha, her power's out. Suffer!

    Haha! Maybe she could make a fire in her wood burning fireplace or something? Any chance this brain surgeon will think of that?

    Also, and this may be an unpopular opinion, but Donny was one fugly baby.

    *insert Seinfeld ugly baby gif here* 😂😂😂

    Oh, this is amazing… If her power is out that is simply fantastic. I remember, and one of her craft room tour videos. She said she had flashlights in a drawer, and then went on a tangent about how they had never lost power because their powerlines were underground and she was so smug about it.!!!!!!
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    QUOTE (heyheyheynow @ 12/1/2024, 04:49) 
    QUOTE (ZizizouzouTWO! @ 1/11/2024, 07:31 PM) 
    Jen loving being a mum


    This one breaks my heart. His sad little innocent face! He is too young to understand, you monster!

    Me too I’ve always said that this was so awful to see her do.
    As a mother, I’ve totally been in that space where I overreact to something or I’m tired and I don’t see something clearly, or whatever the situation is… The fact that she did this, then edited the video and put it up as if she was trying to show how hard she had it as a mom was so gross

    He did not throw that cup down viciously. It literally slipped out of his hand… Because he doesn’t have motor control… Because he’s a baby… Because he hasn’t learned that yet.

    She is so awful as a mother… She does not have any motherly instinct at all. It is so concerning to see her interact with her children at all!!!!

    QUOTE (DonsiPad @ 12/1/2024, 04:53) 
    The gifs of Jen and baby Donny are awkward but she was happy. At least, happy enough. Still taking a daily shower and washing her 3 hairs.

    What the heck happened?????

    She got dumped… That’s what happened she went plant-based put her husband’s meat in the garage and blew up her marriage!!!
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    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 12/1/2024, 03:12) 

    QUOTE (ample hips @ 1/11/2024, 09:10 PM) 
    This one's my fav because even she looks exasperated and embarrassed by this admission 😆

    IKR? She sneers!

    We gotta get a side-by-side of the Bears name is Jasper and then the one where she says I don’t know who Jasper is!!!!
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    QUOTE (NefariousPeletonPatreon @ 12/1/2024, 02:53) 
    QUOTE (LyingLiarWhoLies @ 1/11/2024, 08:22 PM) 
    I can’t find the one of her dancing in the kitchen and the blue sweatshirt, but that one is one of my top favorites… She looks like a fucking moron!!!!! I cannot get over she posted that !!!!

    Omg yes !!!! This one is the worst !!!!!
  6. .
    I can’t find the one of her dancing in the kitchen and the blue sweatshirt, but that one is one of my top favorites… She looks like a fucking moron!!!!! I cannot get over she posted that !!!!
  7. .
    Oh my … I step out of the room for 3 seconds 4 pages ago and I come back to this !!!

  8. .
    I really think the bigger problem is nobody in that family… None of the adults that are surrounded by them really care if they’re on the Internet or not.
    I definitely think that there are adults in the family that they themselves might not want to be posted such as Jill… But I don’t think any of them give two thoughts as to the kids being posted on the Internet.

    As for them not being shown on the school social media, that could be a simple as not wanting to draw attention from the crazies to the actual school… I think it has very little to do with CC and Donnie themselves!!!!

    If that was the case, then I feel like there would be more of a push to keep them off other spaces!!!!
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    QUOTE (ShiseidoCottonPad @ 11/1/2024, 04:12) 
    To quote Jen:

    It's Been a Day

    It’s been a month!!!!! am I right?
    But at least we’re all in it together here!!!!
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    QUOTE (Rusty Bathtub @ 11/1/2024, 03:46) 
    QUOTE (LyingLiarWhoLies @ 11/1/2024, 03:33) 
    I don’t know that any of us know that they didn’t try… But I will say that Jenny is crazy… She was crazy then with that he needs to put his meat in the garage… And her ridiculous, crazy meltdown over milk and the refrigerator… I’m not sure That it was even possible to work anything out with her…

    I mean, I completely agree that I think it is crazy that they divorced when they literally had just had children… That is why I never believed the divorce was happening… I didn’t believe it was happening until literally she posted it was happening

    But how could anybody work anything out with her??

    If they would’ve tried it would’ve been more time. I would’ve waited it out for a year or two, made her get on meds and hired a nanny, then reevaluate and divorce if things haven’t gotten better. Yes she’s crazy asf and would’ve made it as difficult as possible but with the whole family forcing an intervention I think they could’ve worked through it.
    It was so immature of them to spend all of those years of hedonism (and Don smugly enabling her behavior) and then when they finally have kids they both act like dumb selfish 12 year olds

    You can’t make somebody get on meds who doesn’t want to be on meds… That’s ridiculous
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    QUOTE (Rusty Bathtub @ 11/1/2024, 02:38) 
    My reply will probably just get deleted, but being on a dating app so soon shows to me that they didn’t even try to work or the marriage for the kids, and the hypersexual polygamous dominant stuff he wrote in the profile is why people consider it a big red flag

    I don’t know that any of us know that they didn’t try… But I will say that Jenny is crazy… She was crazy then with that he needs to put his meat in the garage… And her ridiculous, crazy meltdown over milk and the refrigerator… I’m not sure That it was even possible to work anything out with her…

    I mean, I completely agree that I think it is crazy that they divorced when they literally had just had children… That is why I never believed the divorce was happening… I didn’t believe it was happening until literally she posted it was happening

    But how could anybody work anything out with her??
  12. .
    QUOTE (Igotmaditurnedhouseintoaplayroom @ 11/1/2024, 02:24) 
    QUOTE (LyingLiarWhoLies @ 1/11/2024, 02:21 AM)
    I’m not from the generation of dating apps… So please forgive me, because I really don’t understand what the big deal is that he went on Tinder… We live in a society that is on dating apps now… I don’t think there was anything horrible on the app That he posted !!!!
    Are you telling me that there’s no other parents in the entire world ever that I’ve ever used a dating app that their kids might come across at a later time?

    I don’t understand why he gets so much hate for that… There’s plenty of things to hate on him about… There’s plenty of things that he did that was jacked up!!!

    He was just thinking of his ME, ME, ME time. LOL! Thats the problem with these people he was being his best Jen self. Monkey see, Monkey do!

    So if you have children or ever plan on having children, you should never go on a dating app????

    I mean… Isn’t just going out on a date sort of the same thing?? if you’re a parent with children, you should never do anything on your own for yourself or with any other person because that can be considered thinking of yourself?? This is the only thing… The only opinion on this board that I literally cannot wrap my head around everything else that is Shared, talked about speculated about I can honestly see how people come to the conclusions they come to or have the opinions that they have… This is just one that I cannot wrap my head around !!

    The mods are amazing. !! You all rock … the last 24 hours has been bananas!!!!
  13. .
    I’m not from the generation of dating apps… So please forgive me, because I really don’t understand what the big deal is that he went on Tinder… We live in a society that is on dating apps now… I don’t think there was anything horrible on the app That he posted !!!!
    Are you telling me that there’s no other parents in the entire world ever that I’ve ever used a dating app that their kids might come across at a later time?

    I don’t understand why he gets so much hate for that… There’s plenty of things to hate on him about… There’s plenty of things that he did that was jacked up!!!
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    QUOTE (luggagewarehouse @ 10/1/2024, 19:25) 
    OMG! she doesn't quit, does she.

    No she doesn’t and I believe this is why the subtle message was dropped today by Ten’s !!!
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    QUOTE (Natural Single Mother @ 10/1/2024, 18:52) 
    While I still refuse to now defend Don in any way, my hope is that he was a big sloppy drunk and not a mean abusive drunk.

    Because while I wouldn’t want the kids to see either, a mean one seems so much worse.

    I wouldn’t defend D** either!
    With someone who has up close and personal experience with a situation that has similar circumstances I can 100% confirm that not everyone outside of a circle understands the depth of what is happening… Things are not always as they appear!!!

    You don’t have to defend somebody to want the best for them, or to want their marriage to survive when there are certain circumstances that are not always clear from the outside!!!

    Defending is quite different than respecting that people are grown adults, that they understand fully what is happening within their own circle and are making decisions that are best for them!

    It’s also different than a marriage survives and hoping children are OK!
1197 replies since 18/11/2019