The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Rumpus Guitar

  1. .
    Omg the shower scene? I could ive done without that
  2. .
    QUOTE (KBH @ 31/7/2021, 02:32) 
    Does anyone remember Knitting/Crochet Jen or Jewelry Making Jen??

    Do we think the bee hive knit quilt will ever see the light of day again?
  3. .
    I laughed so hard at so many pets of this video. The red glow of the campfire made her look like a psycho, plus her getting in bed and waking up. So hilarious.

    But man her life is sad AF now. We’re there any comments about “will you take the kids”?
  4. .
    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 16/7/2021, 00:25) 
    To me, from those comments, it sounds like Tens will be in Utah for the Fam Jam and Jen will not. That was a very distant congrats on a 'new chapter'. But again, these people...

    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 7/16/2021, 12:24 AM) 
    EVERYONE: DO NOT REACT to Jeff's posts or Tensleigh's comments. I swear to God, if he locks down his page...

    AND DO NOT FOLLOW!! Just peek in the door.

    Confession. I followed Jeff about two years ago before I became a real baker. I am sorry. Should I unfollow?
  5. .
    I have so much secondhand embarrassment for her. I cannot believe she is now sleeping alone in a van while her kids are having a blast with their step siblings
  6. .
    “Might be a nice spot to bring the kids” - won’t ever happen
  7. .
    Holy crap! I can’t believe it. I am training someone today and I saw the notification come up and was in shock. I need to watch this on my lunch
  8. .
    Just back from a vacation at our family vacation home (😀my heart home) to check in and see if I’ve missed anything and nope….
  9. .
    QUOTE (YouGuysSlayMe @ 22/6/2021, 01:36) 
    Jen says Don, the HUGE carnivore, can keep his meat in the garage fridge in the video, 37:20-ish timestamp:

    She looked really nice here. I can’t believe the difference in her hair. It’s shiny and darker here. Now it’s a perfect match for her grey skin tone
  10. .
    Watching old vlogs… Jen is going on her Melissa outing with the real Ross Melissas in Utah. I bet they will have a fab time this year with Tens replacing Jen.
  11. .
    Her last video was April 14. What the actual hell. So pathetic. Ok that is all.
  12. .
    I noticed she turned off commenting on all her instagram posts
  13. .
    Two things:

    Does she not love us anymore?

    What are the chances of a video today?
  14. .
    QUOTE (TrophyWifeLikeTensleigh @ 7/6/2021, 18:28) 
    Classic Baker.

    It's not about some random PMs - it's the overall vibe of this place. Seems super nice when you look in, hence my decision to join in the snark. But it's a closed group which closes ranks on anyone new who tries to join in.

    QUOTE (BackupSize8 @ 7/6/2021, 18:12) 
    Re: gate-keeping

    Believe it or not, some people actually need to work unlike Jen and can‘t spend 24/7 on this board.

    Chill, it‘s only pictures of people/fireplaces you don‘t even know personally. You‘re not on the waiting list for organ donation.

    I’m a newb and I’ve found bakers to be very welcoming
  15. .
    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 7/6/2021, 11:16) 
    Rumpus Guitar
    Hunchback of Glenview
    Did you get my message?

    For some unknown reason you don’t show up in my sent items 🤷‍♀️

    Yes! Went to bed super early last night and just woke up to peloton like Jen. It’s 530 am here. Tfs it!
130 replies since 31/12/2019