The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Connect To Dons Money Like Jen

  1. .
    I’m sure Tens is not dreading spending time with ALL her kids this summer . Like most parents she probably has been planning fun things for summer. Those are my favorite memories with my childhood with my mom. And now with my kids..
  2. .
    It hurts my heart just thinking about not having my sweet fur babies. Jen acts like Winnie is on vacation.
  3. .
    She reminds me of an elderly woman going through her house getting ready to move into the nursing home, but doesn’t want to get rid of anything.
  4. .
    She could be on an episode of hoarders car edition. Hope she doesn’t get her water bottle and pee pee bottle mixed up.🤢
  5. .
    I think she got so many likes and comments is only because people loved Winnie. They remember what it feels like to lose a beloved pet. Nobody cares about her car camping. They like 2013 Jen she was the best personality.
  6. .
    I truly believe Jen is like the girl in the Sally Field movie Sybil . More personalities than you can count. You don’t go from one extreme to another to another it’s not normal. We do change over the years but something is just not right.
  7. .
    Rest in peace sweet little Winnie. I’m sure aunt Julie is feeling sad over this. But Jen is probably relieved she doesn’t have to cancel any plans. I’m sure Don loved her too . At least she’s not in pain anymore or always crying for help.
  8. .
    When my kids were younger we stayed outside in the summer ice pops watermelon lemonade picnics at home by the pool or at the park. I tried to always make summer fun. The library for tons of books. My oldest still loves books. I hope Tens makes summer fun that’s where memories are made. Not an old cardboard box in the ballroom.
  9. .
    Don’t care about her run stats but has a backup if the first one fails
  10. .
    Hopefully they didn’t exchange keys of each other’s houses for the sake of the kids. Jen would love to be snoopy. Like Tens closet and bedroom. She’s just that creepy.
  11. .
    I couldn’t sleep last night thinking about Winnie. Jen used to walk her for miles at a time in all kinds of weather 2 to 3 times a day. She was built to be a lap dog not a greyhound. All of that didn’t help her back and legs. And the past couple of years she could have put her in one of the many strollers she had but no she shoves her in a backpack. Jen logic.
  12. .
    Yep peloton is recalling its bikes. Jen is probably crying in the corner.
  13. .
    If I were Jen . Thank goodness I’m not I would have planned a Mother daughter trip somewhere special. And one with the kids and her mom and dad. Made wonderful memories together. But not Jen no she has to travel with blue and jasper.

    Edited by Connect To Dons Money Like Jen - 5/4/2023, 11:00 PM
  14. .
    I’ve tried taking a break from Jen it was nice. She’s still after a month break doing the same song and dance. I don’t think I missed anything.
  15. .
    Did her membership go down? It says she has 940 I thought she had a thousand 🤷🏻‍♀️
240 replies since 26/1/2020