The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by YoYoWhaaatYooow

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    QUOTE (HampTens @ 1/5/2024, 22:34) 
    QUOTE (RikkiJones @ 1/5/2024, 21:56) 
    I just had some celery with some gwawk-a-mollay. I wanted to shove the whole piece in my mouth but I am not a barbarian.

    I had cucumber with gawk-a-mollay earlier. I also had a croissant fresh from a bakery this morning. :nervous:

    I did not take and post a photo of me eating the croissant though.

    If there isn’t a photo did it really happen. 😂
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    I apologize, I have not read the comments from others yet so this may have come up but what the holy hell is a sift and sort. When you sift something you basically end up with the same thing. And when you sort in my mind you just put like things together. So literally you move shit around. I made it through 10 minutes and had to move on, no one has time for her brand of stupidity. She takes no pride in anything. Including herself. She needs an intervention.
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    If she is seeing TS it could be Canada? I don’t know if she said it was an international trip but we do know she loves Vancouver?
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    QUOTE (heyheyheynow @ 21/4/2024, 17:06) 
    QUOTE (Agressive Brusher @ 4/21/2024, 09:25 AM) 
    She needs White Bright for her bra. It’s looking dingy. Don’t even get me started on the teeth. 🤮🤮🤮

    Did ... did she wear the same white bra for all 3 races? 🤮🤮🤮

    Of course she wore the same bra, as my grandpa used to say “ a pig don’t smell his own shit”!
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    Out of curiosity I went to the crown website and did a quick and dirty add up of all she purchased. Before any taxes or shipping and handling the cost was roughly $1600. For clothes that don’t fit and she possibly will wear once and discard. Holy wasteful Jen. How can her “stands” even watch her?
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    I would pay some serious money to see footage of her beetling into the house when she heard a truck coming. Now that’s some serious B- role Jen😂.
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    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 7/4/2024, 19:36) 
    Since Jen’s current trip appears very similar to one I’m taking later this year, I’m so excited to see her video (after a 6-week safety delay, of course) and get travel tips from WorldTravelerLikeJen! I’m sure she’ll read some info from signs along the way (complete with mispronunciations) and point out unknown plants and other features. (“Oooh—pretty flowers! What do we call these?” “Look! Big rocks!”) And of course I’ll need to know the best place to get dry, stale croissants for my hikes.

    Don’t forget she will also be able to tell you how things are pronounced.
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    Just watching—Every time she says “ concierge or first in line or any other holier than thou statement she runs her hand through the top of her head. Near the end she refers to her “silly little head “. She says it three times in a row to make sure we know she knows she has a silly little head . It probably isn’t that little in comparison to her silly chubby body. Shocking- she didn’t buy one thing for herself but is quick to point out it was HER money that she used to buy all the things for her circumstances. I honestly feel sorry for her kids. Mine are nine and six and when you compare them ( and I know you should not complain kids) the activities we allow them to do would freak Jenn out. We let them have individual interests and don’t force lovies on them. Donnie:” MommynotTens, can I go out to the veranda. “ Jenn- “sure, don’t step on my area with my yoga mat, play on the furniture which I stuffed in the corner!” She seriously needs help. Do better Jenn.
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    Cold plunge ice baths may have several benefits, such as burning body fat, so she will eat when she wants and hop in a cold tub. Her insanity has reached a whole new level.
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    I am aghast at the things she has purchased, tags still on that she has just never used. Bunnies for the kids, never given. What the hell is actually wrong with her. She thinks she is organized? That’s insane. She has to have at least 100 race Tshirts she will never ever wear. She seriously needs help.
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    QUOTE (SweetSmellOfSolitude @ 4/3/2024, 19:01) 
    Yo. Yoooo! This is bad, y'all! Yo!

    Nasty nasty woman.

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    QUOTE (Meandmyshadow @ 2/3/2024, 14:13) 
    While sitting here in my craft room/office I’m looking around and realized everything displayed on the bookcases & walls are about my kids & loved ones. (And they are adults now). Their little crafts from back in the day, grad pics etc. There are also several family pics including not just my family but my parents, sibs & their families as well as my besties from fun girl trips. The couple of race medals I’ve gotten are somewhere in here but I’d have to go hunting for them. To watch Jen plaster every square inch of her office with so.much.stuff about herself & her emotions and “accomplishments” is truly unbelievable. I’m in the camp of please Jen don’t ever put anything in that empty front room if the rest of your house is any indication of how you plan to go about decorating it. I would love a Jen series on hiring a decorator simply to witness that first look on a decorator’s face the moment she realizes what she’s walked into lol.

    On a totally different note, i quit following pristafer months ago but randomly he popped up in my IG. He’s still married & moving to NC? Anyone know where/why?

    He is moving to Charlotte NC, he wants to be closer to family, he quit his job, I think Stephen got a job there. They found a house there that they love so all the videos forthcoming will be him decorating it.
  14. .
    Don’t be jealous y’all but Jenn sees me, she really sees me. She said yooooooo TWO times when she was rearranging her hoard. I had no clue what ephemera was, so I asked here. Also in this video she points out, just for me , that she had a huge bag of ephemera. She definitely sees me! 😂
  15. .
    After the Disney picture her head may swell to fit that huge bow. After all everything else on her body is getting bigger!
654 replies since 21/2/2020