The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Don'sDollars

  1. .
    Did we learn anything new in this video? What a snooze fest.
  2. .
    Those poor patreons who write long, thought out posts and she can barely string two words together in a reply. God forbid someone have a different perspective. Jen can't even begin to understand how the rest of the world works.

    And I hate that I'm even going to address Paula here, but as an actual licensed RN, she can fuck right off.
  3. .
    Jen's been at home all month and has yet to come up with new content--craft and chat, favorites, office bullshit......same old, same old. She's an idiot.
  4. .
    "I'm very open, as you know, but I do have some hard lines." (:
  5. .
    QUOTE (DonsiPad @ 2/2/2024, 10:25 PM) 
    I hear the whole "forced to be a housewife" as Jill forcing her, not Don. Don was just there and willing to pay all the bills. I can see Jill basically offloading Jen onto Don and then going on some vacation halfway around the world. And Jen resents her mom because of this.

    Also I think Don was so on board with the housewife thing because he thought they'd start a family almost immediately.

    And if she would've started having kids right away, she'd be an empty nester soon.
  6. .
    Won't wash her hair for a weeks, but takes a shower and a bath on the same day.....ok then.
  7. .
    If I didn't know her, I'd never guess she was 41 years old (as of tomorrow).
  8. .
    All I can say is I bet CC is a beautiful gymnast.
  9. .
    Some winter weather forecasted for the Midwest tonight into tomorrow. Another snow day for cc and Donny? :snickering:
  10. .
    I can't wait til one of the Circumstances smash that damn castle.
  11. .
    I call BS on her planning "2-3 months ahead"
  12. .
    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 1/17/2024, 04:34 PM) 
    If after 20 years of running, doing half marathons, marathons, 4 days at Disney running, 90210 climbs, 3 hours of excerise a day, if after all that you still need a gentle easing in to running
    :cheering-clapping-smiley-emotic maybe it's not for you!


    that same sweat spot on her sports bra.....
  13. .
    But her mama heart just *breaks* when she's away from the children..... :confused-smiley-emoticon-1:
  14. .
    QUOTE (bleucheese @ 1/15/2024, 02:23 PM) 
    bacteria rice is tomorrow, duh. i hope you're not suggesting that they have taco tuesday on a monday.

    Hahaha....I got ahead of myself :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic
  15. .
    It's national bagel day! Too bad the circumstances will be getting bacteria rice....
786 replies since 9/5/2020