The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Retsuko

  1. .
    Let go of your $$$ Don Dollars $$$ Jennifer and then we'll talk!
  2. .
    Fuuuuuck i had my earphones in the morning watching the video at work and had to turn it off after her 10 minutes of orgasmic screaming of "its soooo cutee". Shut up Jennifer -_-
  3. .
    Haven't watched the stupid video yet but glad to see that her instagram followers have been dwindling on a steady basis!
  4. .
    The way that "sharealittlemagiceveryday" is sprawled out irks me. I'd have reformatted it so that it makes sense and reads clearer.

  5. .
    She is just so, so ugly!!!!!
  6. .
    QUOTE (Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol @ 3/24/2024, 03:41 PM) 
    QUOTE (Retsuko @ 3/24/2024, 11:47 AM) 


    Sorry. I couldn't help myself.

    Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol we should have a shared title for the next thread!!!!
  7. .
  8. .
    In a way, I do feel bad because Jennifer lives such a empty life.

    I just accomplished something extremely hard at work (which included understanding the laws of a jurisdiction that is not my own). It was extremely intimidating but it was so rewarding when it was finally done.

    What is Jennifer so proud of recently?

    She posted a video of herself in a bathing suit on the internet.

    Slow..... clap.

    Edited by Retsuko - 3/22/2024, 02:07 PM
  9. .
    I am so glad I am not a social media person and I do not objectify my own body to random strangers on the internet.

    Thanks Jennifer for reminding me to be truly fiercely private.

    Edited by Retsuko - 3/22/2024, 11:31 AM
  10. .
    I have tried at least 5 times to finish the stupid closet organization video. Her content is just soooo boring. Zzzz.
  11. .
    QUOTE (pinksims @ 3/13/2024, 07:59 AM) 
    Like seriously? Grow up ffs!

    My goal is to not look like this at her age.

  12. .
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 3/4/2024, 01:53 PM) 
    On these Disney cruises, she can’t spend more than an hour or two a day outside the cabin with her kids. Surely there can’t be that many “intense moments”. And even if someone spotted her in the midst of one, how hard can it be to smile, give the kids “the look”, and have a brief conversation with your “friend”?

    So reading between the lines, Jen can’t parent worth a 💩 and she really doesn’t care to interact with her “fans” (or her kids).

    And that 1 hour outside the cabin with her kids is probably spent eating! Other than that, fuck off chicklets! Off you go!
  13. .
    Have I told you lately that I love you?

    Do you even say this to your chicklets that mean the world to you?

    Red flags, girl, red flags.
  14. .
    Hey boss, I simply can't come in this week. I need you to give me space and grace as I navigate these feelings. But please give me my full paycheck for the work that was promised but was never delivered. Peace be with you.
  15. .
    The first thing I thought of when she showed her face with the bow was.... girl had a really big cry that night. She lookin rough.
785 replies since 10/7/2020