The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Feelsorryforjen

  1. .
    Can't wait to see when the kids become teenagers. She will put them in boarding school I guess.
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    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 2/12/2022, 20:09) 
    QUOTE (SmoothiesLikeLily @ 2/12/2022, 19:19) 
    However, that office is just soooo gray & dull & boring & would never inspire me creatively or any other way.

    this 100%

    that room desperately needs some artwork and less desks. it's really depressing in there

    who was that lady Jen talked about many years back that had the green craft room? it wasn't necessarily my taste but it was alive in there. Jen claims to be creative (lol) but just no

    At home with Nikki?
  3. .
    QUOTE (QueenE @ 24/11/2022, 00:33) 
    Of all the things Jen did, this is the worst. I usually just don't care or laugh at whatever she does, but this thing with Winnie..
    I thought Winnie was the only creature she actually really loved, boy I was wrong.

    I didn't realize how bad the paddle episode was, until a baker (thank you, sorry forgot the name) made the gif with the before and after. It actually shocked me. Literally.

    Can someone please post those pics again? Couldn't find them.
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    QUOTE (Snark Week @ 14/10/2022, 20:41) 
    I love both kids in the princess experience! Donny has always loved wearing dresses and playing dress up, just like CC has, and he looks beyond thrilled. You can't force a kid to look that happy if they aren't. I don't love the idea of speculating on why he is dressed up, it feels uncomfortable. He's just a little boy who seems very happy in these pictures.

    But who was laughing so loud in the background when she showed Donny? And why? He felt uncomfortable then...
  5. .
    I could never do it so congrats to her. But I couldn't stop thinking how much time beforehand she invested to research, plan and organise this whole thing. Just imagine her new go pro : the research, decision making, buying, buying additional equipment, unpacking, trying out. And all the other stuff... And I am an experienced traveller myself so if I need some time she needs at least the same as me. But I have like 1 or 2 trips a year and not per month like her.
    And then the training for it. And all the other trips.
    There's really not much time left for the kids.
  6. .
    Hi,there, I am usually just lurking every now and then so maybe missed that you talked about it, but is this another Tensleigh Instagram called "Tensleighs secret garden"? Is this her? Good for her if she maintains this whole garden.
    You guys are hilarious and always good for a laugh though as you can see from my profile I do feel very often sorry for Jen. Maybe because I can relate since I have the same stupid hair as her... Though I would never have it that long to give it more volume. I believe she still believes long hair is feminine and can't let go.
    I used to buy all kind of fancy and expensive stuff when I was younger hoping to find the miracle shampoo but then after years of researching found that just not using any unnecessary products is the best for my hair.
    It's still very fine and thin and only looks good when freshly washed. So the last 12 years I was a stay at home mum ( one of the busy kind though ) and could afford to run around with messy hair most of the time. Now that I started working full time again and have to look proper and wash it again on daily basis I realise that I am starting to loose hair again, which stresses me out. I always thought that's Jens reason for her greasy hair, too.

    And since I am jenfending:I do believe she is good with words and could have made some kind of career, like English teacher... In the end it was bad luck for her that she met a rich guy so early.
  7. .
    QUOTE (cheap ass soy sauce @ 12/3/2022, 00:34) 
    I bet when Tenz makes pizza the sauce is made from home grown tomatoes.

    I bet when Tens makes pizza sauce it's from homegrown tomatoes and made by the help 😂😂😂
  8. .
    I feel she returns stuff to have some human contact. Probably has a long story to tell the cashier why.
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    QUOTE (justpassingthru @ 26/8/2018, 04:00) 
    QUOTE (Cookie Marnster @ 8/26/2018, 01:54 AM) 

    Do you think she would have left it in, if had fallen to the floor???

    Can't blame her:I was once sitting with my baby on my arm on the bed. And I just wanted to lift him a bit to reposition him but on the way down he slipped through my legs and fell on the floor. Most stupid thing. Thank god he was ok🙄
  10. .
    QUOTE (IDon'tEatSugar @ 8/1/2022, 22:20) 
    It’s Jen we’re talking about. She probably brought backups and backups of the leggings

    Why would she need backups? If she has a pee rag she certainly has a vag rag, too😂
  11. .
    She must get some serious runners high if she keeps on running though in pain and though she knows that it's bad for her feet. Anyway, we can look forward to seeing her in "sexy" swimwear from fancy luxurious designers soon because the only sports she will be able to do to get somewhat of a high will be swimming. With a gopro on her swimming cap. Vlogging her favourite luxy bodylotion for extra sensitive skin for après swim. Showing off her pedicured toes with weird colours (or maybe not so much) oh man, I could go on and on 🙄😁😜
  12. .
    I do switch daily when exercising, especially in summer, but not new shoes of course but some I trained with regularly. I finally found a favourite pair so I bought 3 pairs in different colours right away. New shoes I wear for work for a while and then implement in my rotation. Also I have lots of different shoes, for inside,etc Though I never did 3 or 4 runs in a row 🙄
  13. .
    QUOTE (DeepThoughtsByJackHandey @ 8/1/2022, 18:04) 
    QUOTE (GivingMyselfGrace @ 1/8/2022, 11:54 AM) 
    First, I have to say that I always envy her pace! I must be the slowest person! I really don't run, but for me to walk 4 mph is very difficult and is about the fastest I can go. Can anyone recommend what I can do to improve? I also don't race, but I like to walk as fast as I can for exercise.
    Second, has anyone noticed if she's worn the same shoes everyday? For you real runners - are you supposed to change shoes?

    I'm no a runner either, and I would love to know, too! Some old co-workers were runners and I thought they rotate several pairs of shoes.
  14. .
    QUOTE (Textbook Stalker @ 1/1/2022, 05:00) 
    QUOTE (Jenion @ 12/31/2021, 04:59 PM) 
    I agree with this. I think on some level she thinks putting herself into camping or tiny house van life scenarios challenges her because it’s intentionally putting yourself in discomfort…but with all the stuff she does, there is never actually any discomfort. She is doing the same thing she always does in different places. Even when she did the paragliding thing, it seemed like maybe she had taken something beforehand - the way she was talking afterwards.

    I also personally believe she exploded on Don often. I think narc rage was definitely there even if she now justifies it and says it was somehow his fault. It came in various forms that she showed but I wonder what she didn’t show?

    The part of her I saw myself in was the OCD tendencies we saw often in 2013, not OCD like how people use the term generally but true OCD that comes under the anxiety umbrella. Does anyone else have any parts of her that they related to?

    Anxiety My Ass‚ She Hates People, Thank you, it is exhausting. Some days it feels like being a prisoner in your own body. I think that’s why Jen complaining so much has been more frustrating this year, she really doesn’t know how lucky she is as much as she pretends to say that.

    Sorry, Im still learning how to post.

    Interesting question!
    I relate to her organization stategy with 1 million bins, packing with all the little pouches, taking snacks for a Target run, and curating 100 cal packs of m&ms :scared-smiley-emoticon:
    But I also relate to her because of the depression. I struggle to cope with mine, and maybe that's why I oftentimes find myself feeling empathy and compassion towards her.

    I do relate, I found her back then because of her organizing videos since being a stay at home mom at that time (she was without kids though). I found it nice to see that she was appreciated for all the work she did keeping the house clean and decorated and organizing the parties and travels (even without kids). I could see all the work behind it, even though she had a cleaning lady and Don sometimes cooked for her.
    I would have loved to have a family like hers coming to my place regularly and to entertain them. I used to work since I was 14 and worked during university, even kept my waitressing job on Saturday nights for a while after starting to earn real money because I wanted quickly to have a nice apartment. (also because of the friends I made there, that's why I believe it would so benefit her if she even had just one 4 hour job)
    So it's not like I don't know what "real work" is, especially since we moved 9 times during 11 years, even to another country, and guess who did all the organising? Certainly not my husband🤣
    But suddenly I found myself getting comments like "you don't really work", "aren't you bored at home?", "you don't know how it is to get up at 7- haha I get up before my husband and go to bed later-, etc.
    Though I was supervising the construction of our new house (yes, me a woman) at that time, doing the gardening, the tax, all the repairs (I am technician so I know how to hold a tool), caring for the animals, careing for his parents,my husbands chronic desease, organising everything else. And almost forgot: caring for the kids😂
    My husband basically went to work and came home and did nothing except fun stuff with the kids. That's OK, that's what we agreed on because we like to travel and have our weekends off and this kind of life is easier to organise if only one person works. And we could afford it so we did it.
    But society doesn't seem to appreciate that kind of lifestyle, I really got bad comments all the time, certainly also because people were jealous but often I felt they didn't appreciate what I did. And I don't want to start
    a you are a bad mum if you work discussion. Anyway, I enjoyed it that she seemed appreciated even though she certainly has lots of more money than me and thus another lifestyle. I then stopped watching her once she got pregnant because I saw lot of pregnancy and baby stuff videos coming and since I had already older kids this was not interesting to me. So years later YouTube recommended her to me again when she had her divorce video and I was like wtf? Why? Maybe because she didn't receive the appreciation anymore?
    She, her family and people certainly thought how lucky she was to find a husband like him so young and to have no financial worries. But I believe in the end it was bad luck for her because she never got the chance to find herself, figure out what she can, try things, make mistakes. I think she has lots of talent, she would have been a good teacher or secretary. I can see her working in a museum, organizing tours and writing for magazins. She has a way with words.
  15. .
    That's what I thought, too. We all dream about being able to go on vacation every month and on trips every weekend but most of us can't afford it, not only financially but also because we need time on weekends to do grocery shopping, gardening, tidying the house, doing loads of laundry and just rest.
    Being on vacation is fun of course but also takes energy and one has to have a rest afterwards to recover but also to enjoy the experience and reminiscence about it. Our family enjoys looking a pictures the weeks after a trip and recollect memories and just indulge in happy memories. I don't see her doing this. Does she ever tell her kids what she experienced? With whom does she share other than the viewers? She is just checking off a list. Her only joy seems to be the food she is eating, at least she can exercise like at home and do yoga
30 replies since 14/11/2020