The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by OMGjen

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    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 1/13/2022, 08:36 PM) 
    You guys are way too optimistic about her dating prospects

    Are we sure she isn’t interested in women? She did put rainbow pride on her Instagram.
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    QUOTE (ConfusedLikeJen @ 1/6/2022, 03:59 AM) 
    I see the message on her last IG post re the last Disney trip and asking if a vlog was coming has been deleted

    I still see it.
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    QUOTE (merino wool underwear @ 12/23/2021, 06:16 AM) 

    she looks like she usually does in her bedroom mirror.

    What’s wrong with her head?
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    QUOTE (SmoothiesLikeLily @ 11/30/2021, 07:40 PM) 
    Several threads ago, when Tensleigh 1st appeared on the scene for real, I said something about how I didn’t think really any of the adults in the situation had necessarily put the kids (all 5 of them) first in most of the decisions that were being made regarding divorces & remarriages & living arrangements, & I still don’t think the kids were given much consideration when it came to how things were possibly affecting them during what were some very big changes for them.

    (And I will die on the hill that Don jumping on Tinder w/ his “I think I’m so sexy in bed” pic as a guy “rapidly shedding his dad-bod looking for a polyamorous relationship” before his 1st marriage was officially over was not a cool or very considerate move for a dad w/ 2 young children.)

    That said, from the little we’ve seen of Tensleigh, there are things that make me hopeful she is an involved & engaged parent & will make a decent step-mother.

    I like that the house they chose had plenty of bedrooms for everyone - so, even though Donny & CC aren’t there full-time, they can still have their own spaces & not feel like they’re sharing or just “guests” or afterthoughts in their dad’s new home w/ his new wife. Plus, the house has a nice, big yard w/ a pool. I like that Tensleigh includes CC & Donny in the coordination of outfits for special occasions. She seems to get along really well & naturally w/ Don’s family.

    I also like to think that Tensleigh’s pic showing her cat makeup for Halloween was maybe because she was matching CC’s chosen cat-mermaid costume.

    Wait…did I miss something? Is there a picture of them together?
  5. .
    I just saw the Instagram pic. Who is that man?
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    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 10/30/2021, 01:00 AM) 
    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 30/10/2021, 00:55) 
    So Don had them last weekend ( thus ballet with Jill)
    So who thinks Jen will take them trick orTreat? Or even dress them

    Remember LAST year she kept filming at Suze house- even sneaked a shot of Don in

    She said she’s wearing the stupid Mickey pumpkin costume again. Donny also has to be a pumpkin again for some reason. If we get a picture of him in something else it’s because of Don & Tens.

    Also, there seems to be a Halloween Carnival today at the SK

    It looks like Tens is on the right…2nd from the right.
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    QUOTE (I love me some me @ 10/23/2021, 05:52 AM) 
    Will someone from Italy please come on, and explain the no rabbit sign? I have googled it , and I can’t figure it out.

    No hunting.
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    QUOTE (Demented Turtle @ 10/1/2021, 08:36 PM) 
    The fuck you story is gone. Did she remove it or did IG because it was reported? (I plead the 5th)

    It’s still there.
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    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 29/9/2021, 23:24) 
    She’s grown up, she can swim and has her board. This is a lake, not river rafting on a wild stream. What should happen to her? 🤷‍♀️

    QUOTE (DisneyPrincess @ 29/9/2021, 23:20) 
    My thought dump as I watched:
    - this is a lovely spot for a couple or family. Freaking scary in the dark alone.
    - Snakes. Critters. Spider web in the face.
    - She never touched or slept in that bed.
    - Dirty 'kitchen' She couldn't bring herself to cook in that pan or deal with washing up in the cockroach sink. I thought she was going to cry.
    - It all appeared to be somewhat enclosed by wire fencing. And close to the road. I couldn't sleep a wink here. I don't think she did.
    - I also cannot believe she showed a guardrail after all the guardrail mansion comments here!
    - Attempting a water sport for the first time ALONE which is a huge no no. With an unhappy elderly animal who could freak out any second.
    *****No life jacket!!!!***** Water safety 101 fail. She's a massive fail full stop. That was like a PSA video for dying in an awful drowning incident. Why is she promoting dangerous activities.
    - Pepper spray and a 'blade', really? You'll never see them coming sweetheart. They'll hit you on the head with your own poop shovel and steal your van.

    That actress from Glee drowned in a lake…so it can happened.
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    QUOTE (Yetta @ 9/28/2021, 12:31 AM) 
    I'm not a dietitian, so I try not to make recommendations outside of my expertise. I am certified in weight management, but that really didn't require a lot. BUT, that being said, I don't shy away from animal protein or veggie carbs. I wouldn't limit veggies to someone. I would try and eat the ones higher in fiber (if possible). Avoid the starches as much as possible. I've had clients that didn't really like animal protein very much and they supplemented with protein shakes. I prefer to eat my protein, LOL, but it worked for them. But my main recommendation is to limit fruit (don't need to eliminate) and fill up on fibrous veggies.

    If a person could only have one, which would you choose? A treadmill or a pelaton type bike
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    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 9/22/2021, 08:31 PM) 
    what. a. bitch.

    (I still think she's buying followers. There are a lot of messy bitches in this world but not THAT many.)

    She’s definitely buying followers. I work with a group that buys followers and they have the same new followers.
  12. .
    I was reading her YouTube comments and this one made me laugh.
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    QUOTE (fiercelyprivate @ 8/15/2021, 03:32 AM) 
    Hmm must be a regional thing. Charcuterie boards are very common and popular at events and restaurants here. We use cocktail spears, toothpicks or forks to take what we want off the board onto a smaller plate or napkin.

    We do that too. I love them, at 4th of July we had a table sized one. ❤️
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    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 8/15/2021, 02:52 AM) 
    I just do not understand why she has stems of Ruscus- those leaves- stuck in the food
    Used in floral vases
    It’s not edible
    Not sure if it’s poisonous

    Looks like lemon leaves to me.
  15. .
    QUOTE (Lucky_Me @ 8/14/2021, 11:02 PM) 
    Could Jen be purposely avoiding Tensleigh? I wonder if Don cheated on Jen with Tensleigh, and she doesn’t want to be in the same room as a “home wrecker”?

    If Don cheated, that makes him the “home wrecker”.
72 replies since 15/11/2020