The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Gooseyfeathers

  1. .
    Hopefully it was Clyde coming back to haunt her since she couldn't even bother to get him through his last days. I honestly dislike her totally!!
  2. .
    When she is trying to turn on the TV when she is eating her slop, she asks "What's going on?" Don't worry Michele, your illegal cable dude friend of Bruce's will be coming over to fix it and to get his payment with weed.
  3. .
    Mose, I am so sorry about your sister-in-law's sister. I am a RN of 41 years, teach nursing full-time and have picked up 12.5 hrs. extra with the students on Saturdays. I am exhausted and frustrated. She is the epitome of selfish and while I keep battling trying to work full-time at 61, help the students get their RN to fill the nursing shortage the best way that I can, along with picking up extra shifts, Michele buys frivolous junk while wearing her mask down below her nose, wiping her nose with her hand and not sanitizing, and being so ignorant and oblivious. I come on here after work each day out of the frustration of this woman not giving a damn about anyone other than her. My deepest sympathy on your loss.
  4. .
    Please feel free to delete this Administrators if it is not appropriate. I know that there is a page about COVID to talk about things here on the Bakery. I doubt Michele will watch it, but by the slim chance that she will since we know that she reads here, I think that this speaks volumes about "freedom" over getting a life-saving vaccine.
  5. .
    Oh geez!! She suggests watching The Ralphies. That's a big fat (like you) NO Michele. Watching overdramatic and fake people who do mukbangs and live in their car, is not my idea of fun! Damn fools like you Michele!
  6. .
    Even though I can't stand watching her, I can't look away. It is like a circus show with the misfits of society. She wants to know why all of these insects and bugs only like her? That is because Michele, you are one stinky person inside and out.
  7. .
    She makes me feel very ill. Taking fries from her skinny ass son to shove "a fry" in her mouth which of course turns out to be more than 1. I can't watch her anymore. Her high pitched and fake voice, glutenous behaviors, and evilness is just too much!
  8. .
    Someone may have already posted this. I have been working all week teaching nursing students (first week back....UGH!), but I just couldn't hold back before I read all of your comments. She gets pissed off because she can't have the Fanta when she wants it. She has no concept of inventory, doing things the proper when Michele wants something whether it is an order that she is barking at "hun" or something to fill her or "hun's" stomach, she wants it NOOOOOOOOOW! What a smug bitch!!
  9. .
    According to the Mayo Clinic, "The abnormal blood vessels associated with diabetic retinopathy stimulate the growth of scar tissue, which can pull the retina away from the back of the eye. This can cause spots floating in your vision, flashes of light or severe vision loss."

    Keep eating the huge amounts that you do Michele especially with all your treats. As a RN I can't help you because you think that you know it all!!
  10. .
    If the groomer texted me and told me that my 2 dogs were ready, I would be right there! However, Michele needs to keep shoving her face with a huge amount of food while we see her chew with her mouth open, slob that she is. She makes me sick with the amount of food that she shovels in with each mouthful!! She is so selfish and she can't even think that maybe the groomer would like to go home and enjoy her Saturday, but instead of going to pick up the dogs, she MUST continue shoveling more food into her never satisfied gut!!!!!
  11. .
    I don't eat much meat and watching the video of her slicing up the beef just about has me dry heaving.
  12. .
    As a RN, I know that the Delta variant of COVID presents with more of a sinus issue with a runny nose, headache, etc.. Hmmmm Michele, are your sinuses worse than ever? Keep on going out like you do, no vaccine, wiping your hands on your nose and in your nose, being generally very unhygienic, and running all around time. You will see how bad your sinuses really will be feeling when you can't breathe and need to go on a vent. You are right. Something big is about to happen, just wait and see.....
  13. .
    After she bitches about having to help Cocoa, she plops herself in that chair so hard, I thought that she would go right through it. She can't even gracefully bend her knees and sit on the, instead it is KERPLUNK!!!
  14. .
    Doesn't Canada have the same warning that we have in the US about the birds that are dying from diseases? We were told in NC to not put out food or bird baths. Seeing how dirty that bird bath water looked, it made me wonder!!
  15. .
    At 18 the lad is probably too old for CPS intervention. I would be surprised if their province didn't have laws regarding the neglect or ill-treatment of special needs adults.

    Oh yes, I forgot that he is older. My son is 29 and I guess because Nate is so immature for his age, I forgot how old he truly is. I am in the U.S. so yes, I am not sure what there is in the way of protecting vulnerable adults in Canada, but I hope that there is a mandated reporter in their area who can make a call.
16 replies since 20/2/2021