The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by SkeletonOnThePeleton

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    QUOTE (Emily Valentine @ 7/23/2023, 05:41 PM) 
    QUOTE (Yetta @ 23/7/2023, 07:40) 
    I live in Illinois and I have never had a vehicle inspected. I didn't even know that it was a thing. It says that some areas are exempt. I guess my area is, because I have never heard anyone talk about it, either. Also, we've never been questioned about it when we renew our license plates. Our vehicles are newer than 4 years old, but up until 2021 my husband had a 2014 pickup truck. No questions about it, ever.

    I'm from Florida and it's not a thing there either. I was totally confused when I moved to North Carolina and had to start getting vehicle inspections. I still get crabby about it when I have to renew.

    Still catching up but had to add that I’m in Pennsylvania with yearly vehicle inspections no matter the age of vehicle and still remember when we had TWO! Inspections each year. Your sticker had 1,2,3 or 4 for the quarters of the year and back during the early 80 ‘s gas crisis they rationed gas by even or odd inspection stickers. And people complain now, we waited in line for gas for hours. Changed to once yearly inspection but doubled the price, lol.
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    QUOTE (Jenny's Bespoke Poop Shovel @ 6/23/2023, 11:51 PM) 
    QUOTE (JourneyLikeJen @ 6/23/2023, 04:48 PM) 
    She also said something "exasperated" her bunion situation, instead of exacerbated.

    I think the bunion is getting exasperated by her life choices.

    Well, I know I am lol
  3. .
    Hahaha her cabinet full of rumpus stuff!

    Edited to add: you guys move so fast, I was still on the craft room video, around 7 minutes in lol!

    Edited by SkeletonOnThePeleton - 6/14/2023, 05:53 PM
  4. .
    I forgot how bad that glass backsplash was until I saw it again 🤢
  5. .
    In the TWO! video she shows the new paint colors and their bedroom was Frappe, otherwise pale coffee, but I swear in later videos the bedroom was gray. Never mentioned that she hated the color and had Vincent repaint. Did anyone else catch that?
  6. .
    Thank you. Unlike Jen I actually listened to the advice of the vet. There’s usually a reason when they recommend euthanasia, no matter that I thought I could get her eating again I knew in my heart she was weakening quickly.
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    QUOTE (D**'sGlowUp @ 5/13/2023, 07:46 PM) 
    I spent the day and the cost of TWO! Everesting challenges at the emergency vet with my 7 year old Frenchie. They are keeping him for at least 1-2 nights and trying to stabilize after a number of severe and sudden seizures. I cancelled all plans and am beside myself with worry. I could not imagine going ANYWHERE without my pup or leaving him in boarding any time in the near (or far) future should I be lucky enough for him to come out of this hospitalization unscathed.

    And the first thing I asked of the vet today was to consider my pup’s best interests first and foremost and to please be candid with me if he was suffering or would have a diminished quality of life. It’s so hard to consider such decisions on behalf of our four legged friends but we owe them that much.

    I’m so sorry to about your little Frenchie ❤️ I just had my 13 yr old beautiful blue eyed kitty put down this morning. I had only planned on taking her for fluids and nausea meds. She stopped eating one month ago and an X-ray showed a tumor in her right lung. After 3 weeks of prednisone to shrink the tumor a new X-ray showed she only had airspace in her left lung. It was a difficult decision to make, but I didn’t want her to suffer and die in the middle of the night. Been there, done that. And she wasn’t meowing in pain and was still mobile. Poor Winnie.
  8. .
    They actually bought a new dishwasher or do we think it’s a new used one? Looks like the one LG I saw on Best Buy’s website. She is the oddball that doesn’t brag about new purchases, only stuff she finds for cheap or free.
  9. .
    Her Majesty’s Royal Coven by Juno Dawson. I’ll just leave this here lol
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    What was she blocking out with the white box beside her head while talking in the car? She only had her kids and she showed all four playing in the dirt so why is she still blocking out faces?
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    QUOTE (UtahFootBath @ 3/30/2023, 02:34 PM) 
    We haven't seen that perky, happy smile since before Charlotte was conceived. She loved her life back then.
    If someone had told me that future Jen would be showing off 'lovely' outhouses, I would not have believed them.

    Or sleeping in her rumpus car.
  12. .
    QUOTE (BannedInUtah @ 3/29/2023, 08:32 PM) 
    She's afraid of the reaction she'll get from us and patrons, not of going to the parks alone. The stupid medals make her sound like a dairy cow with a bell around her neck.

    She’s actually a NonDairyCowLikeJen 😂 I couldn’t resist

    Had to add; who is she kidding that she had to make a list of food to get at Disney? Her trip around the park is based on where she’s eating next.
  13. .
    Great title! I loved this one, it describes her perfectly 😎
  14. .
    Still a few pages back but all her being covered in salt made me think SaltyAfterHerDivorceInMoreWaysThanOneLikeJen
    Lol she didn’t require salt tabs before but iced her legs down and now she doesn’t ice but drips salt. As Foghorn Leghorn says, that girl’s about as sharp as a bowling ball. 😂
  15. .
    Interesting comment on her new video on you tube 😂

    Well, it’s gone! Paula must have done her patrol in the comments. Something about putting a basket of corn on his lap and scooting on the floor to get into buffets. She really does attract the nuts.

    Edited by SkeletonOnThePeleton - 3/23/2023, 04:27 PM
641 replies since 17/3/2021