The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by omg1816

  1. .
    QUOTE (anxietyqueen @ 8/9/2022, 16:35) 
    Aaryn is on stories saying she has been cleaning and organizing for days. She literally only does that when they list their house for sale, so be keeping an eye out just in case 👀👀 usually someone here is the first to figure it out, lol

    Also, she’s getting her extensions taken out and cutting her hair short again today. Thank god! She looks so much better without the long hair. Nobody looks good with ratty ass extensions. So over that trend.

    My exact thoughts were that they are listing their house. She only cleans when they are moving :confused-face-smiley-emoticon:
  2. .
    QUOTE (C3P0 @ 3/9/2022, 06:10) 
    Does anyone know which vlog this is?

    Pretty sure it's the one titled "CROSS COUNTRY CARAVAN WITH AN INFANT & 2 TODDLERS! Baby's First Road Trip!"
    I tried posting the link to it but it wouldn't let me on here.
  3. .
    QUOTE (JadeDawn @ 1/9/2022, 03:55) 
    What is this about?

    In one of the Uncut episodes, Aaryn finishes getting her hair done and when she's walking towards the door to exit the salon she jokes like she is in a panic seeing Tara.

    There is no Tara. Aaryn is pathetic, that's all.
  4. .
    QUOTE (Dodzmom @ 27/8/2022, 00:41) 
    I just watched her season 4 ep 1 I guess? Spoiler.
    What a sad thing to watch, her hanging out with Reba (who’s the average mom, you can tell she was uncomfortable)
    Aaryn telling Reba about her being excited about doing something different than her normal life than quickly correcting her (probably after Reba giving her a weird look) that she loves her normal life but sometimes it’s too much.

    Notice when she walked up to the glass door she made a joke "oh no it's Tara" after getting her hair done in Dallas. WTF Aaryn :snickering: :cant-believe-my-eyes-smiley-emo
  5. .
    Is Aaryn still doing Young Living? I remember her taking out the oils from under the sink ^U^
  6. .
    going back to the big breakup. If I remember correctly, was it Tara that told Aaryn to ditch HHH when those DMs were leaked? Aaryn ditched HHH initially, then asked Amanda to pick a side and Amanda chose Tara over Aaryn.

    I wish they would just spill what happened because I still can't wrap my head around it :=/:
  7. .
    QUOTE (C3P0 @ 19/8/2022, 00:48) 
    Natural lips, natural blonde... naturally delusional.

  8. .
    She chooses to change every single thing about her physical appearance as she reads on here but nothing about her rotten insides. Ma'am you don't need injections and all this other sh*t your doing to your face. You need to work on your inner peace, and be a better person, if not for yourself then for your babies.
  9. .
    Is there any other account posting screen recordings of her lives?
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    QUOTE (brashumpire @ 17/7/2022, 07:29) 
    I see the turnout was yuge

  11. .
    Why does she love Trump? She's quick to claim that she loves everyone but never explains why she loves Trump.
    *I don't think people should have to explain who they vote for however in this case she's made it a part of her personality, therefore, I think she should have to explain herself to a certain extent.
  12. .
    QUOTE (iconicqueen @ 16/6/2022, 17:35) 
    Aaryn Williams: skid marks in her undies, flirts with your hubby, dingleberry diaper bags freshly picked from Aaryn’s crack

  13. .
    In the video titled "Our house is officially for sale" Bonnie asks the kids how they feel about moving.
    Every kid seems upset about the big move and leaving behind all that they know. To be quite honest I'm shocked that Bonnie and Joel are building a dream home. I thought they would stay in their house that they currently have, for like forever.
  14. .
    She blamed the whole of Texas for her racism on BB
    She blames Tara for her friendships failing
    She blamed her dad for her personal issues
    And now this B*tch is blaming Skyla for why her kids are so bratty.

    There is no way in hell that every single kid came out with the same bratty attitude. It started from somewhere and no Airhead it's not Skyla that started it. :flipping-the-bird:
  15. .
    I'm officially done with Aaryn. I can't believe she's making this about her.
    Seeing the pictures of those sweet children that lost their lives breaks my heart. She spends her days posting Amazon links, away from her kids all hours of the day yet can't be bothered to post a gofundme link. It's easy to line your greedy pockets Aaryn, it's SO hard for you to be a decent human being.
158 replies since 5/5/2021