The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Uncontrollable Resentment

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    QUOTE (xphiler4ever @ 5/14/2024, 11:11 PM) 
    If Jen purges her food, she does a really bad job at it.

    As a former ED sufferer, it is incredibly difficult if not impossible to "purge" everything you eat, as discussed upthread. This is why bulimics are typically average weight to overweight.

    Bulimia is incredibly dangerous and Jen really needs to get help but of course she never will because she's too freaking stubborn.
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    Yeah, Jen just wants the divorced life she THOUGHT she would have---Suzanne and her heart home without having to sleep w/ Don.
    I don't think she ever saw Don as much more than a means to an end, to provide her the lifestyle she wanted. They had very little chemistry from what I could tell from her videos.
  3. .
    I'm a size 4. I'm 5'5 and 120 lbs. Jen is not 120 lbs. Why is she so stuck on being in a size that doesn't fit her properly? I would not look thinner if I tried to squeeze myself into a size 2.

    Also dear god Jen please cut your hair and ask a professional stylist what products to use. Please.
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    QUOTE (Blue-tah Trunk Celery @ 5/8/2024, 10:49 PM) 
    I'm really not feeling well today, I really can't watch anymore feeding or looking at jeans in a hot theme park.

    What does everyone think happened with the massive exodus? Can we make a poll?

    Did they just stop calling?
    Did they just stop inviting?
    Did she invite herself, like with the Paska bread, and was turned away?
    Did somebody have to have a talk with her and tell her they've moved on?
    Was it only the RV trip and revelation of Tens and flying home?
    Was there ignoring in the drop off line, or a distant wave while looking straight ahead?

    I think she's completely oblivious, shockingly pushy and presumptive, like taking the RV bed, and needed to be told. Like when she proclaimed Aunt Julie was hers and adopted her, had dinner together and then started dropping Winnie off at the vet for boarding.

    My theory is that no one pushed Jen away, she did it herself after deciding it was a "betrayal" for Don to date Tens when they were still not technically divorced, and seeing that the Ross family embraced Tens anyway. I think in Jen's mind this was a big betrayal from the Rosses to welcome Tens into their fold. Jen thought she would be hanging out in her heart home with Don and the Rosses whenever she wanted, and she was pissed.

    I do not think anyone told Jen she wasn't welcome. I think if Jen was even a remotely nice person she could have continued to have a relationship with the Rosses, as well as Tens and Don if she wanted, like Tens' ex appears to. I think it was too much for Jen to see Don move on before her and she isolated herself.
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    QUOTE (Todolovethebaby2 @ 5/8/2024, 10:39 PM) 
    What in the fresh hell is all over that burnt corn? Is it cream cheese? Why is it white and wet? 🤮

    It's elote, it's served with a mayo-sour cream sauce. it's delicious but of course jen makes everything look wholly unappetizing.
  6. .
    The narrative she's trying to spin about having to be someone else when she was married to SMD is so insane given that she put her whole life out there and there are receipts. We see him supporting her faffing around the house pretending to be busy, all while she had help with cleaning and he cooked most of the time. We see him filming her and cheering her on at her races. We see him not giving two shits about all the spending she does.
    Giving her the better office.

    Jen may have been anxious and depressed and not sure of herself (and I'd argue she still is these things), but to blame it on SMD is so shitty of her. Jen married him BECAUSE he gave her this lifestyle, so then to turn around and say she wasn't free to be herself is ridiculous.
  7. .
    Her whole rant on this like she needs to qualify her answer to show everyone she isn't a scaredy cat or whatever she thinks she's doing here is so infurtiating. Recently in my (very safe) neighboorhood, a woman was walking her dog on a trail in broad daylight when a man who had been hiding in a bush jumped out and attacked her. But I suppose Jen's spidey senses would have alerted HER to this danger ahead of time.
  8. .
    ....moon water?? Just when I think she can't get more unhinged she manages to surprise me.

    She needs to pick a persona and stick to it.

    QUOTE (Igotmaditurnedhouseintoaplayroom @ 4/27/2024, 02:39 AM) 
    QUOTE (JudgyPants @ 4/27/2024, 02:31 AM)
    Imagine having a casual conversation about body lotion, and saying you don’t need to use it because the bath bombs you use leave an oily film on your body
    (Also known as reason #732 why Bakers don’t use ‘other peoples’ baths ☠️

    Its even more disturbing when you remember that she said D used her bath water. :sick: :nervous: :20130930103114-64d41b31:

    Still one of the grossest things I've heard. I love my husband but the thought of sitting in his used, tepid bathwater is absolutely revolting.
  9. .
    i was rewatching some old videos from right after Jen announced their split and wow she was SO different. She was hopeful and cheery and still taking care of herself. Don moving on before her REALLY threw her into a spiral she hasn't come out of yet.

    I would feel sad for her because she's clearly profoundly depressed with a raging ED, but she's an asshole and I can't muster much sympathy. She's also privileged enough to be able to seek out a great therapist and get herself some meds but she stubbornly refuses.
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    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 4/12/2024, 06:39 PM) 
    No WAY does Fatty fit in a small. I’m 120 pounds and almost always buy a medium in workout clothes (I do like my blood to circulate, so there’s that). Maybe what she meant to say was “I ordered a size that’s too small”. :snickering:

    And that hair! My hair has been thinning since menopause and I have hypothyroidism. I have 50x more hair than Jen.

    I am the same weight as you and I also size up to a M in workout clothes, esp spandex like that. I can't imagine trying to work out while feeling like I'm stuffed into a sausage casing. There is no way a S is the correct size for her. And all for workout gear that she wears in her basement, alone.

    I'm so annoyed with how poorly she does...everything. She has so much time on her hands now, she could really get good at something! She could actually learn about proper fueling/macros etc and change her body composition if she wants. She could learn to cook nutritious and tasty food. Hell, she could even just subscribe to a healthy meal delivery service, which would be what I would do if I absolutely couldn't stop bingeing.
    (I have no issue with Jen or anyone else's body size but Jen obvi does want to change hers, no matter what she says about how she's happy with her body. But she refuses to do anything that would actually accomplish that)
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    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 4/12/2024, 05:32 PM) 
    I watched the preview.

    She starts with justifying why she’s not washing her hair even though it’s due for a wash.


    omg so that's just...grease???? My god woman.
  12. .
    QUOTE (TheHairyChild @ 3/28/2024, 04:22 PM) 
    I bet not only did she make him store his meat and dairy products in the garage, she let her disgust of his food be known while he was preparing and eating his food.

    She’s a mean, extremely selfish bitch.

    And now she mows down on all the meat, cheese, and real ice cream. She’s always liked chicken guys! And I don’t think she has ever once addressed that supposedly one of the reasons she stopped drinking milk or eating meat was because she cared about animals. How is she reconciling that in her head? Or did she never care about animal welfare. It was all just an eff you to Don the whole time?

    I don't think Jen ever truly cared about animal welfare. I think she was depressed with her marriage, and she cared about sticking it to Don. And was also hoping that a vegan diet would help her lose weight.

    I was vegetarian for several years and my cager was not. I could not imagine asking him to keep his food somewhere else. Jen was the only one in their house eating vegan---why couldnt SHE move her food outside the family fridge if it was that important to her?
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    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 3/18/2024, 09:28 PM) 
    If you have to do daily yoga, long deep stretching, foam rolling, vibrator gun, take baths with 3 pounds of epsom salts, have a team of PT and stretching people, now possibly adding cold plunge maybe you should go easier on your body.

    Thissss. I am Jen's age and I work out regularly but my body would revolt against 3 hrs of exercise/day. Her body would change dramatically if she cut back on the cardio and started eating better.
  14. .
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 3/14/2024, 03:29 AM) 
    I can’t imagine spending my day doing something I had convinced myself was one of my biggest joys and achievements in life, only to return to an empty room where I could excitedly share with …my camera.

    My husband and I ran a half marathon together shortly after we got married, many years back. We had fun, had some beers after, then went home and ordered a ton of pizza and took a long nap. It's a really good memory and I have no earthly idea what my medal looked like or where it is.
    She is so depressing.
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    QUOTE (Saygoodnightgraciedo @ 3/12/2024, 04:36 AM) 
    Off topic but just want to say I bought a Ellipse machine you can sit and use it and watch TV listen to music and get steps in I have a incurable rare lung disease so I’m limited but let me tell you in 2 weeks my legs never looked better I wish I could tell Chin her over priced Pelaton isn’t doing her any favors🤣 Oh and a wish bone needs to dry out for days before breaking and making a wish it I remember from my younger days my mom would hang it up to dry before we broke it the part time sitter has no clue 🙄

    I have a Peloton bike and my legs look amazing if I do say so myself lol.

    Jen just eats too much.
424 replies since 21/5/2021