The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Uncontrollable Resentment

  1. .
    Is she afraid washing her hair more frequently will cause her to lose more of it or something? Jen, a clean and healthy scalp promotes hair growth. You aren't doing yourself any favors by holding out a week between wash days, especially when you exercise as much as you do.
    Her scalp has to be sooo dirty. 🤢
  2. .
    All that lip service to always wanting to be a SAHM and nurture her family, and she couldn't give two craps about Don's injury outside of the inconvenience it causes her. You know if it was the other way around she would expect Don to take care of the kids, house, and wait on her hand and foot without complaint.
  3. .
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 3/2/2024, 01:46 AM) 
    I decided to revisit this nonsense and just realized all her bitching about having to do 99% of…whatever, and “feeling unsupported and isolated” was during Don’s issues with his back. And Jen, in true Jen fashion, is only concerned with “what it means [for her] for the imminent future with two little ones”. As usual, screw Don’s serious back problems, poor wittle Jennie isn’t being pampered and actually has to put forth minimal effort to feed her own face and wipe her own ass (and maybe her small child’s—how caged!)

    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 3/1/2024, 12:56 PM) 
    Ah, yes. These precious family memories.


    She was such a terrible partner. Sometimes, Jen, when your spouse is sick or injured, you have to actually step it up. And there is no doubt in my mind that Don wouldn't have batted an eye if she wanted to hire someone to help out. She just needed to be a martyr.
  4. .
    QUOTE (Queen Beeeee @ 3/1/2024, 12:40 AM) 
    QUOTE (DonsiPad @ 29/2/2024, 23:16) 
    Jen is a prisoner to her diet and fitness. I almost feel bad for her but then I remember, it’s Asshole Jen.

    What diet????

    Her sugar inhaling diet????

    I think they mean "diet" as in the way she eats, haha. So yeah, the sugar inhaling diet that causes her to feel like she needs to work out for hours on end to try to counteract it (which doesn't work).
  5. .
    QUOTE (grilledcheesesandwiches @ 2/12/2024, 08:38 PM) 
    QUOTE (Good Morning Friends @ 12/2/2024, 20:07) 
    D** cheated by removing his ring before the divorce was finalized! Jen is a rule follower!!!

    Jen’s just pissed that Don was getting laid before the divorce (the hill I’ll die on is if they were separated but not yet divorced, he didn’t cheat) whereas several years post divorce she *still* hasn’t had any peen.

    100% agree with you on this. Jen was furious Don found someone before she did, so she made herself a victim of "cheating" because they were technically still married, even though they were separated.

    I'm not a big fan of Don's, but Jen absolutely caged herself. She never wanted to get a job so she pretended to be helpless and childlike so that Don/the Rosses would take care of her and not expect too much from her. She created that role all on her own and Don went along with it, until they had kids and he expected her to step it up. Suddenly now it's his fault she's so stunted. Even blaming him for why she didn't vote (like she even ever thought about politics!). Nothing we've learned about Don would lead me to believe he wouldn't support her in anything she chose to do.
  6. .
    I'm a Lashify convert and haven't worn mascara in a couple years, but when I did I only wore tubing (Thrive Causemetics).

    It's so weird to me that Jen now acts like she hasn't the faintest clue about makeup when she used to have SO MUCH and would put on a full face every day.
  7. .
    QUOTE (TheHairyChild @ 2/1/2024, 01:12 AM) 
    Did anybody else laugh out loud when she said her eyelashes are fine, just like the rest of her hair?

    I got confused at first bc I thought she was saying "fine" as in, good. And I was like WUT. But I think she meant fine as in thin.
  8. .
    She said that is her fanciest sweater. For a woman of her means, that is a tragedy. All the thousands she spends on ill fitting Disney crap and workout gear to exercise alone in her basement, and she doesn't have a single nice outfit to leave the house in?
  9. .
    Jen, you feel better when you wash your hair because human beings like to be clean. You should try it.
  10. .
    Her breakfast was a reasonable amount of food/protein, esp given how much she works out. It's the 10000 lbs of sugar that shes eating off camera that's making her look like she doesn't exercise. I'm still laughing that she "briefly" worked with nutritionists last year. They must not have told her what she wanted to hear re: all her baked goods.
  11. .
    How long has this woman not had a proper voice? Is she just constantly sick from her moldy house?
  12. .
    She worked with a couple of nutritionists last year? lol
  13. .
    Jen, the idea that you fill up your cup first assumes that you then pour out your cup for others. Like your kids. Not just fill it for yourself and be done.
  14. .
    I'm a SAHM and I work in breaks for myself as much as I can. Solo hotel stays are my fav way to unwind!

    But unlike Jen, I'm an involved mom and I don't have a housekeeper. My husband works a ton right now so it's just me and my three kiddos a lot of the time. I actually have something I need a break FROM, lol. Whereas Jen mothers as half-assed as she can and spends most of her time ChooSInG mE.
  15. .
    We are in the Midwest and my 3 kiddos have been home for 4 days due to a snow day and the holiday and I cannot wait for them to get back to school I'm going nuts between the fighting and the messes. 🤣 So I hope we don't have a snow day tomorrow.
    But unlike Jen, I don't lie and act like I need to be around my babies at all times to be happy. Off to school with ya so I can clean my house lol.
423 replies since 21/5/2021