The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by merino wool underwear

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    I had to. I hope someone can do better job
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    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 1/11/2024, 05:09 PM) 
    QUOTE (CherieRose @ 1/11/2024, 08:07 PM) 
    Going way back. I couldn't find the one where Donny slides down.

    these ones?




    these are the posts that I first saw when I found the bakery. I would literally look at them when I needed a good laugh. she was/is a disconnected parent. I knew the bakery was full of my people, the humor here is perfection

    connection should have been her word of the year. Try connecting to actual in person humans, like your kids, not your camera and strangers who pay to see your videos and pics of your children.
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    QUOTE (Taxidermied Winnie @ 1/12/2024, 06:37 AM) 
    QUOTE (Here for it @ 12/1/2024, 15:16) 
    That is so ODD. I have two kids and have been around a lot of babies, I can’t recall seeing them stick their arms straight out like that.

    Same! It’s like he’s playing airplane 😂

    Also, why aren’t we dragging the watermelon 🍉 shirt more??? 😂😂😂

    all of Jin's clothes are ugly but those fruit shirts are the WORST! they are unflattering. her mom "uniforms" were all so tragic.
  4. .
    ooooh what a fun thread! I have so many favorites. Most have already been posted. There really are so many but this was all I could find. I cleaned out all my folders of Jin.
    My favorite Jin is when she is over the top smug, manic or thinking she's cute and she really just looks like a complete idiot that is so desperate for attention.
    smug Jin. Any of her stupid spin the camera and the surprise I'm in ____ gifs are the best

    manic Jin
    attention seeking Jin
    idiot Jin

    hands down though my favorite Jin is I DO NOT EDIT MYSELF Jin!
    taken within the same week

    honorable mentions
  5. .
    QUOTE (OstracizedLikeJen @ 1/10/2024, 05:44 PM) 
    I don’t care if Don likes to have sex while playing the kazoo and wearing a pair of elephant ears on his ass

    Save the nipple swirls for the DMs, Donald.

    I wish you could hear how loud I cackled.
    why do any of us care about his sexual interests? as long as he is with a consenting adult, I DO NOT CARE! He's married and whatever they are into is no concern of mine.

    I am more concerned with Jin and her romantic getaways for one, her creepy love for her stuffed animal and vehicle. Lady, they make shows about people like you. I remember one of her murder shack stays, she looked like she had a good romp the night before....just saying, this chick is taking her love of inanimate objects too far.

    You can tell from the video she posted today she so desperately wants a friend, she practically was gushing about her new friends she made during the cruise, total strangers that watched her kids. nice Jinny, way to look out for their safety. she is so clueless.

  6. .
    Jinny, since you so obviously read here. Word of advice. If you are going to call yourself a content creator then perhaps you should provide content. You give zero information. Is it really that hard to do your so called job and give details. prices, times spent in ports, etc.

    "Don't ask me guys giggle giggle. I am really bad at giving Disney advice giggle giggle, there are others on the internet that are very good at it. I am not one of those". BUT IT'S YOUR "JOB"! dude, you even fail at the most basic of basic content. It must feel sad to be a 40 year old LOSER!

    "you guys know I am not a big drinker". Why does she always put that disclaimer out there. I don't care if you do or don't drink. You do drink Jin, and you drink alone, that is what I find sad. The truth is, no, I don't know if she drinks every night or once a month.

    News Flash Jinny, most people tip.

    Sounds like a boring typical Jinny kind of trip. Kids with their lovies. Jin with her lovey, Jasper. She is so selfish, she still had to go run a Disney race. Why couldn't the kids do it with her, it wasn't going to be longer than 45 minute according to her. Are her kids scared of running or speed walking?

    Look at this poor single mama, walking through fires, lots of PIVOTS! How does our little busy bee do it, she is a phoenix rising from the ashes for sure. ezgif-com-speed-4

    It's ok for kids to be scared of things but what I see with Jin is she never seems to encourage overcoming fears. Maybe watch a marvel movie at home so they can see that it's not so scary. Are the kids really scared or does Jin not want to deal with crowds?


    for those thinking Jinny left her best friend blue in Utah. That would be an 11 plus hour drive. That dirty hag more than likely parked blue 15 minutes from me! John Wayne airport is 7 hours from SFO.

    I am team tens for sure.
    I don't know what went on in her home, and honestly it's not our business. I was nosey AF last night but the truth is... it's not entertainment when someone is going through a crises. I hope all is well in their home, and I hope those that need help, get it.
  7. .
    lol I went to bed and we were still on the other thread. I come here now and we are 26 pages into the next thread! lots has been happening. I just started her video and YIKES!!!!


    Lady, go see a Doctor. both a mental health Dr. and one to deal with whatever is going on in your obviously unhealthy body. Also WEAR lip balm.


    Edited by merino wool underwear - 1/10/2024, 02:58 PM
  8. .
    I was wondering where she got that "season of life crap" from and the remember you only see a bit of my life. Jesus Christ Jin, stop trying to be others.
    If you read that entire post, it almost seems like Jinny wrote it.


    QUOTE (SecondWifeLife @ 1/3/2024, 12:07 PM) 
    You can hear them in the background of her gross whisper story on IG.

    thats why she posted her whisper story, so we can hear the kids and she can do the "I've been so busy having fun with the chicklets" Shtick
  9. .
    Wow, this thread went fast. Last I posted was an entire thread ago lol which was just over the weekend.

    Meow2 AMAZING recap!

    So, Jinny is claiming poverty now? dude, enough. Stop with that kind of bullshit. Its not cute, it's gross.

    Why does she feel so called to share things with people that she doesn't know? She didn't have to say a thing about her "chaos lottery" she could have just said she was taking a break from youtube for a few months, and if I decide to come back, press the bell to get notifications. Why all the drama on patreon and IG? the answer: so desperate to have problems and so desperate for attention.

    Or put your big girl WOOL thong on and just say. I am over youtube. I rather have a private place to share my boring home videos. The pretending there is organizing and vlogs is hilarious. all of her patreon content is a stupid update video on Monday where she complains about how life is so hard and how people suck, while rubbing her eyes. The Friday videos are boring as hell. FFS she cleaned out a junk drawer.

    Jin, stop trying to pretend you are something you aren't. oh ooops I forgot my stocking. See everyone? I don't care about gifts. I care about magic and my chicklets. bitch, you filled the stocking, which is not needed. You are 40. Don is gone. Let Christmas be about the kids. and no, you weren't a wife that nobody filled your stocking either. Don went all out for you in your caged era.

    Go trip on your bunion you cunt.

    Happy New Year to all the bakers! 2024 is going to be great! this bitch is going full spiral and I am here for it!
  10. .
    And just like that the 2023 season has come to an end. Have the friendless and loveless life you deserve you bunion footed twat.
    The only wild things that happened in 2023 are: she freed her bunions, she showed us her cooter cloth, she let us know she doesn't wash her hair or body often, her hair was the worst it's ever been, and she was alone majority of the year. It's truly WILD to see how much she has spiraled













  11. .
    I don't know why Jin wants a human friend, she already has Jasper.

    I am going to have fun and post random photos I still have of Jinbo. I am tired of speculation. I want to laugh at Jin.

  12. .
    QUOTE (heyheyheynow @ 12/29/2023, 02:18 PM) 
    If someone is going through radiation treatment, they are supposed to avoid close contact with children.

    There are lots of cancer treatments that you can't have children near you.

    I truly hope that is not that case. I don't wish any ill will on Don or his family

    I have a friend that her husband has been going through bone marrow transplant and couldn't see his son for months. It''s been the biggest struggle of their lives. They just moved back home from staying at a facility that is provided by City of Hope. She had to take time off work to stay with him and she couldn't be exposed to others until he was in the clear. It can take anywhere from 3-6 months.

    I am sure we will know the reality soon enough.
  13. .
    Can I just be super petty? yes, yes I Can.....I LOVE that Jinny girl is a friendless LOSER! it makes me laugh so much. This bitch is beyond smug, full of herself, tries to blame literally everyone for anything she can play victim at. She is so stupid and really doesn't see SHE IS THE PROMLEM!

    You have no friends because of YOU! sorry "HOMEGIRL" you can't blame Don, Tens, Your parents, your extended family for this. It's YOU!

    Go be tender with yourself you worthless asshole.
  14. .
    QUOTE (What day is it? @ 12/28/2023, 03:52 PM) 
    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 28/12/2023, 20:01) 
    She bought TWO more mugs, you gotta treat yourself you've got to. Had 3 already and her most special on in blue. So that's 6 total at at least $300 each.

    Is that teapot new too? It looks like the same as the overpriced mugs.IMG_1176

  15. .
    QUOTE (Yetta @ 12/28/2023, 01:33 PM) 
    QUOTE (JustAverageJane @ 12/28/2023, 02:08 PM) 
    Well we've eliminated from health issues the senior Rosses, her folks, her kids, her entire family. That only leaves Don, Tens and her family but once again Tens was happy and decorating 2 weeks ago. I'm siding with Jen is just a whiny asshole.

    When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was happy and jolly up till the day I was diagnosed. I went to a band reunion a week before and a family reunion on Saturday before I was diagnosed on Tuesday. To say that everyone was shocked was an understatement.

    yep, the day before My mom was diagnosed: went on a 5 mile jog, went to work, had dinner with friends. next day...rushed to the ER. We were all shocked how things literally changed from one hour to the next.

    As her daughter. I was fine and didn't really stress out for about 4 days later when we were told the severity of her diagnoses.

    My family doesn't get overly dramatic like Jin. We have been through a LOT but we don't like to air that out in public and we certainly don't rush to social media to complain or cry about it. We deal with the things that have been put in front of us in the best way possible.
1840 replies since 29/9/2021