The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by campjulie

  1. .
    What is the deal with her and this plant? Get a room.
  2. .
    I've checked out of her miserable desaturated life for a couple weeks - why the fuck does she think posing like that in the middle of her barren ass mauseleum is cute or even conveys any excitement or zest?
  3. .
    Imagine having so little in your life that you print out your Instagram stories and staple them into a notebook that will ultimately end up in the trash.
  4. .
    Idk why the fork thing made me realize something. Charlotte is 8. I was 9 when I started my period. Yeah, it was definitely on the early side of things but she's a fucking year away from how old I was and Jen is treating her like a literal toddler between the baby utensils and baby alarm clock and making sure she only does things at Donny's level. It literally makes me sick how much Jen is actively holding her back.
  5. .
    "I'm a type 2 fun kind of gal."

    What... what does that even mean?
  6. .
    You guys, remember to be gentle with yourselves with all of these places you're taking yourself. Do a body scan when you get home to check in with yourself on how you felt about where you took yourself. Choose you.
  7. .
    Why did she have to drag stuff over to prop her laptop on top of her air cleaner when she could just... use the phone in her hand?
  8. .
    Just imagining that prince charming was missing because one of the CHILDREN assumed they could PLAY with a TOY. Sorry kids, not when it's one of mommy's.

    Put. Prince Charming. Down.
  9. .
    Am I not just looking at a white binder? What exactly is all that about it?
  10. .
    "for my work"
    :cheering-clapping-smiley-emotic YOU'RE UNEMPLOYED :cheering-clapping-smiley-emotic
  11. .
    I hope with all of this "leaning in" she's doing she loses her balance on her bunion hooves and falls on her face.
  12. .
    I guess to her life really is full of magic. Money magically appears in her bank account each month. Peloton instructors magically speak directly to her. She has magically yet to be eaten by a bear. She magically doesn't have a stench from lack of bathing.
  13. .
    She is so incapable of spending time with her children in that cold empty house that she brought them to Disney during the literal busiest time of year at the Parks where everything is at capacity, crowds are insane, and rides have the longest wait times? I can't imagine any of them are having any fun, poor birthday girl. They should have just done the stupid cruise.
  14. .
    She's always going for that exhausted mama but in total whimsy bliss expression but it's so fake she just looks high as a kite most of the time.
  15. .
    If it is something like Don needing surgery and a few months to recover therefore limiting custody, that would mean Jen would finally get her hooves taken care of out of spite to make them take back custody.
291 replies since 31/7/2016