The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by deltaburkefan

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    He mentioned Steven twice in his vlog and now he's on bedrest. I can't.
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    QUOTE (IzzyBella @ 8/22/2023, 03:02 AM) 
    I haven’t been following recently, she’s still with the Mount Misery Twins? I’ve backed off most of the oldies in the planner community
    because the new kids on the block are NICE. Not as much consumerism and consistent. The last time I saw Julie’s YT channel it was a sea of white paper thumbnails, b o r I n g.
    She’s triggered hahaha!!! She’s triggers the entire community along with her two dipshit friends. Clean your act up Queen Trigger.

    It must piss Julie off that new YouTubers like Rachelle in Theory have come along and while Rachelle has a couple thousand fewer subs, her videos hit 6 figures, and even her lower viewed videos are double and triple the paltry 3-4K that Julie gets. People are just not interested in the old shtick anymore.
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    QUOTE (lalataz @ 1/9/2023, 21:23) 
    It's about time that Ruby got arrested for child abuse. I was wondering if she was in a romantic relationship with that whatever her name is too. They are both sick in the head. Does she have children too and if so. I wonder what their childhood was like.

    There was something very weird going on between Ruby & Jodi. I got Gwen Shamblin vibes with a side of Lori Daybell. Jodi has 3 children and I believe I read somewhere they are older and not living in that creep house that looks like it's in the middle of the desert. Where's Jodi's husband? Kevin is acting like he hasn't heard from the children in months. Don't get me started on Bonnie and her new video.
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    QUOTE (Oatley @ 4/19/2023, 04:46 PM) 
    QUOTE (Spork Meltdown @ 19/4/2023, 23:38) 
    As much as some of you would like for Jen & Don to run out of funds, I don't think it will happen. I'm sure Don's investments are substantial. Also, I think when Don & his dad negotiated the sale of the company, they knew they were making enough money to be set for life or they wouldn't have sold it. Don has plenty of money and will inherit plenty of money.

    Well, like I said, many wealthier multi millionaires have gone bankrupt, so you never know. None of you exactly know how much money he has, how that's invested. But his running expenses is ski high, that's evident. Like I said, if he did not need the job at all because they sold the company with record profit that'd set him for life, then he would not have accepted a 'General manager' position demoting from his CEO rank at his father's company. He would have retired with his boat load money back then itself. It looks like he got laid off after a year.

    That is VERY standard in negotiations for these type of companies. It helps with transition/stability, it benefits the former owners and I would have been surprised if it wasn't in the contract.
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    hoo boy, she had to scroll past a LOT of pictures of Don in her camera roll to get that Tinkerbell shot. I hope she splurged for the whole cake at Whole Foods today because a cupcake ain't gonna cut it
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    QUOTE (DonsiPad @ 6/1/2023, 02:45) 
    I don’t think Jen is that chubby. She has big calves for sure but I definitely have like 40 lbs on her so I have no room to talk. Jen is disgusting in so many ways but I don’t think physically she’s that terrible looking.

    Her body is fine. Nothing wrong with it. Absolutely nothing wrong with being larger than her either. It’s just jarring when you see her in candid photos because she edits the shit out of her body to make it look longer and leaner.

    I think the main reason she gets comments about it is that she has spent the last decade making snarky comments about her loved ones’ bodies, all while she lies about her own via photoshop and fibs about her clothing size. She also lies about what she eats and how much she exercises (because what she claims just doesn’t add up), even though she could simply not offer up that information at all.

    If she just said “I got these new jeans and they’re a size 12/14”, no one would bat an eye. She puts people’s attention on her body because she instead says “these are a 4, I’m a four” when she clearly isn’t. That’s one of the things I despise about her honestly. She likes to pretend that she’s body shamed, but really SHE perpetuates the idea that there’s something wrong with having an average to plus size body.

    Edited by OstracizedLikeJen - 6/1/2023, 02:55
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    Regardless….Little Lucy will have a bigger purpose then your full grown ass ever will. :flipping-the-bird:
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    How about don't be a twat talking about someone's sick kid? Everything you have posted about this child has had a gleeful tone and it's gross. IDK what LeighAnn did to you, but I can guarantee she doesn't deserve to have her kid's medical information posted on a gossip board and to have Debbie Downer here happily telling everyone over and over again how bad her life is going to get. She knows and we know.
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    Also do your own research. I don't think anyone cares if you agree or don't. I also don't think anyone cares if you support that company.

    But Cindy isn't dragging them whether you believe it or not.
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    So because they’re tight lipped when it comes to the details it means they get a pass?

    The missionary system is known for white saviorism and pressuring communities to convert to Christianity through charity. Communities that already have beliefs. DGC directly funds it. If that’s not disrespectful I don’t know what is.
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    DGC has a missionary foundation that I assume is in part funded by DGC profits. It comes down to whether that is an issue for a customer or not.

    Drama was brewing as soon as the sale was announced.
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    Just because I don't know the stance on every company doesn't mean I won't not support one's I disagree with.

    You can bet they use their profits to support politicians and others that DO do damage to those groups and you are kidding yourself if don't think that is true.

    I try my hardest to spend my money based on my values but I am not perfect. That doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

    You spend yours the way you see fit but companies that make it clear where they stand are opening themselves up. I don't shop at many stores for this reason.

    Don't assume their aren't people who do their research just because you don't or think it is ok.

    Support them if you don't like other not.
  13. .
    I don’t think Cindy’s video blasts the company or attacks them. She’s informing her audience (many of which are part of the LGBTQ+ community) of what is going on. Not everyone has the time to research companies so I think it’s great that she’s sharing her research so people can make their own decisions. She states multiple times that what she is saying is her opinion and assumptions about the company based on what she found. If she said nothing at all about it and just moved on, people wouldn’t be happy either.

    Julie on the other hand is the biggest hypocrite in the planner community. If I recall, when the EC thing happened she made a huge deal and judged people left and right where Cindy simply stated she wouldn’t be supporting the brand anymore and moved on. Yet Julie went back to EC and Cindy did not.
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    QUOTE (Chatter Plans @ 30/9/2022, 18:39) 
    For the folks defending how Cindy approached the Cultivate What Matters drama she started, I bet you use several brands with homophobic CEOs. Cindy used her platform to drag a company because of their religious beliefs, she knows she has minions that bully people she doesn’t care about so she opened the door for her followers to drag the company AND it’s customers. The Daily Grace is Christian but I don’t see them persecuting people for their choices. Show me examples of the Daily Grace bullying and talking down to the LGBTIQAPD community? One thing is to believe in something, another thing is to force people to change their points of view and make them have your beliefs. I also want to clarify that I am not a Daily Grace or Cultivate What Matters customer. I think the CWM systems was too much work in my opinion.

    If you don’t stand for something because someone else is just as bad on the DL nothing will change. When it is clearly laid out for me it’s hard to ignore. If you’re worried about CEOs, shop with small businesses.

    Also, DGC doesn’t have to openly bully LGBTQ+ for me to understand that money I spend with them goes into the owners’ pockets as income and then likely tithed to their church. To me, I feel like I’m funding the hateful rhetoric of their beliefs and I can’t stand for that.
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    The two massive chairs make the other ones look really tiny.

    It reminds me of the dining table of the Snow White and the seven dwarves as shown in children’s books illustrations.

22121 replies since 31/7/2016