The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by grilledcheesesandwiches

  1. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 28/1/2024, 18:29) 
    Happy birthday to pwinceth Jennifer Ross!


    She usually hides her birthdays because she's ashamed of being completely alone in this world, so we'll see what today brings.

    Between Jen’s tongue and Don’s, those kids really haven’t won the DNA lottery.
  2. .
    Solo birthday romance for one, she may as well be a nun
    Reorganising her hoard, could we be any more bored
    Donald returning from space means Jen gets to race
    CC and Donny return to their real home, Jen is still a glome
  3. .
    Jen really is shot in the arse with luck - how many years in a row now not spending her birthday with her dear children she loves oh so much and is so pained to be separated from?!
  4. .
    I remember hearing something in the minimalism space that if you can repurchase an item in (I think it was) less than 20 minutes for less than 20 bucks and you’re umming and ahhing, just declutter it.

    Now I’m not for mindless consumerism and buying crap just to declutter it 6 months later… but with Jen’s bank account (funded solely by ‘that man’) she could easily bump that up - if she can re-buy within 20 minutes and less than 200 bucks - get rid of it!

    For someone who claims exercise is an anti-anxiety drug for her, she seemingly gives no consideration to the anxiety excess stuff and clutter provides.
  5. .
    I was actually thinking that, even wearing shapewear, her stomach definitely looks bigger. Implant removal will be a rude awakening, even if she isn’t left with little titties there will be a lot less to give even a hint of balance
  6. .

    Rest easy, you have a nicer yard than a multi-millionaire that has all of the time in the world!
  7. .
    You know what, Taren is so obviously a rampant over-consumer in allllllllllll things. This is just another way to fulfil that need.
    She gives literally zero shits about the planet.
  8. .
    Good for her if that is genuinely her wish and goal - but I do hope that it isn’t the pressures of social media telling her how her home should look. SM has done a real number on our expectations and stress levels trying to keep up with how things ‘should’ be.
  9. .
    I wonder if he got to have anyone he wanted there or if it was just Taren and her hanger-on family
  10. .
    QUOTE (ooooooolikejen @ 22/1/2024, 04:31) 
    QUOTE (AcademyAwardWinningActress @ 1/21/2024, 07:55 AM) 
    $659 for a Lego set. About what she begrudgingly spent on Thanksgiving dinner.

    She fed GRILLED CHHEEEEEEESE to CC every day for how long when she was a toddler?? And wasn't it recently that she said CC doesn't like them any more?
    I never, EVER want to hear her talking about how hard it is to feed kids, because you know what?
    That's just Jen projecting her own disordered relationship with food on to her kids....and that makes me SICK.

    1 - you rang?!
    2 - the grilled cheese sandwiches are what gave me my name. Remember when she’d pre-make them lest Charlotte wait 5 minutes for it to be fresh cooked?!
  11. .
    I mean we still can’t rule anything out 🤣
  12. .
    I literally planned on coming here with the question of “why are grown ass adults having themed parties every single birthday?!” 🤣
  13. .
    9/11 as a 18 year old away from home for the first time and watching it unfold would have been hard - it was shocking from the other side of the world. In saying that, I agree with NSM that she has the resources to have worked through it.

    But I also call bullshit.

    Jen willingly jumps on a plane more times in a year than most people fly in their entire lives. She has happily returned to NYC many times. She lost no loved ones. IMHO it is performative to buy her a hall pass for whatever she doesn't feel like doing.
  14. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 21/1/2024, 03:42) 
    So she wants to find someone who cooks and loves playing with kids 🤔

    She had that with Gonald Donald!
  15. .
    Oh good god. I’m yet to watch the video - please tell me she acknowledges how terrible that is?!
1096 replies since 8/11/2016