The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by OstracizedLikeJen

  1. .
    I’m so behind… topically after several weeks of both covid and strep crawling through my house. This is the first time we’ve all had it at once and it’s been a nightmare. Definitely not going to agree with P the MeDiCaL pRoFeSsIoNaL that it’s no big deal (or Gene that masks are what caused harm to our immune systems… rather than the virus itself that she couldn’t even be bothered to care for her child during). Especially not since my oldest has developed asthma from her first bout with it (pre-vaccine) and was a lovely shade of purple several times during this run with it. 🫠

    My wish for both P and Jen is that they slide down twin bannisters that are covered in razor blades and then meet in a kiddie-pool full of lemon juice.
  2. .
    “Look what I caught on camera, guys!”

    Dust. Dust, Aaryn. You caught dust.

    Seek therapy.
  3. .
    How fucking obtuse does she have to be in order to film, edit, and post patting herself on the back about a wheelchair donation to a “pup in need”… when we all know that when Winnie was that pup in need (thanks to Jen, I might add) she was like, “too expensive… I’ll be at Disney lolz”?
  4. .
    QUOTE (Gillian Lawhorn @ 3/2/2024, 05:35) 
    Sis is back on the lip fillers, though she says she’s not, back on the eyelashes, and the Hair extensions. Next step the Feral Four will no longer be home schooled. Mama gotta be free for appointments to get nails, hair extensions. eyelashes. Sorry Feral Four NO MORE CROCKPOT meals. Manic Mamma is in her “I’m 21 mode” This to shall pass. Mamma will be once again be googling why are my eyes infected? Why is my hair falling out? Why are my lips bloated, “I haven’t had lip injections for years. Sis is a repetitive no clue for reality train wreck. The only thing possessed in the HOVEL is SIS.

    “It’s not lip fillers, it’s the demon possessing my face and causing swelling. This is very common in severe demon cases. ”

    *proceeds to post 37 screenshots of Reddit posts/comments (some of which she likely writes herself) that support her psychosis and delusions*
  5. .
    Girl films her entire life and has yet to catch any proof of her demon squatter?


    Maybe she didn’t see anything while Nick was away because she self-medicates even *more* with booze (and god knows what else) when he’s not around. We’ve all seen her pinpoint pupils lately. Along with her seeing things?

    I think we can all agree she’s lying, but (devil’s advocate) if she isn’t and she *truly* believes this shit is happening? Then that’s just further fuel to the fire that she’s been doing something ✨questionable✨ and needs to be put under a hold and get back to her correct medication and treatment.
  6. .
    The mismatch on those extensions is hysterical.
  7. .
    QUOTE (JudgyPants @ 14/1/2024, 00:17) 
    ‘The mood of 2024 is the Reputation album’
    ( fucking bitch, that family gave you everything)

    …and they still do.

  8. .
    Bringing this over for posterity:
  9. .

    With the wet hair I only see one person:
  10. .
    QUOTE (Livi! @ 12/1/2024, 20:16) 
    I just looked at the weather forecast for her area, and temperatures will be deadly by Sunday / Monday. I hope the electricity is fixed by then, because oh boy, I wouldn't want to be stuck in a blackout with children and such temps outside. Scary.

    She has two fireplaces and enough sweaters and blankets to stay warm. I’m not worried about her, but I am worried about the homeless people she has such disdain for.
  11. .

    Edited by OstracizedLikeJen - 12/1/2024, 20:22
  12. .
    The power going out at the same time that we dubbed the colonial-ponytail is just so perfect.

    Tonight she’s going to party like it’s 1699.
  13. .
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 12/1/2024, 16:23) 
    QUOTE (Emily Valentine @ 1/12/2024, 08:51 AM) 
    Also, does anyone have poor CC floating away into the horizon?

    IDK if we had a gif of that. All I could find was a screenshot. So I made one.



    Wait I have no memory this. When did this happen?! 💀
  14. .
    QUOTE (Taxidermied Winnie @ 12/1/2024, 15:37) 
    QUOTE (Here for it @ 12/1/2024, 15:16) 
    That is so ODD. I have two kids and have been around a lot of babies, I can’t recall seeing them stick their arms straight out like that.

    Same! It’s like he’s playing airplane 😂

    Also, why aren’t we dragging the watermelon 🍉 shirt more??? 😂😂😂

    The watermelon shirt was so much more draggable back when we had some semblance of hope that she would one day use her wealth and resources to fix her wardrobe.

    Now, after 4 years of wool thongs, toe socks, dingy Disney sweaters, and athletic wear that’s more sweat than nylon… that watermelon shirt looks like stunning designer ballgown by comparison. 🙃
  15. .
    QUOTE (Here for it @ 12/1/2024, 15:16) 
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 12/1/2024, 02:21) 

    eta oop found it


    2nd edit


    he just comes out of nowhere :hearty-laugh:

    That is so ODD. I have two kids and have been around a lot of babies, I can’t recall seeing them stick their arms straight out like that.

    She’s holding him too tightly and too high up under the pits. She’s basically hyper extending his shoulders for him, and it’s making his arms stick out. 😬
2399 replies since 1/3/2018