The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by NefariouslyHappiestAlone

  1. .
    I used to think she was so put together with her laundry and cleaning and such but when I found out she had cleaners, landscapers and a handy man PLUS she never cooks, I gave myself some grace.
  2. .
    She even does revenge wrong. All Gene ended up doing in that situation is made herself look like an even shittier mother and a terrible daughter and sister. Good job dumbass!
  3. .
    Oh my goodness the stupid 2nd grade school supplies for her Tone it Up crap! She really was ridiculous back then but happier than a pig in shit!
  4. .
    Well it says I'm a 14 and I look way smaller than her.
  5. .
    QUOTE (heyheyheynow @ 27/4/2024, 21:34) 
    The logo of Carter's school is clearly visible on his shirt in the Instagram story where he's cooking. $14,500 tuition a year.

  6. .
    I wonder if they are headed to where Di's family is now. They seem to hate each other, the kids don't like Disney anymore and Di sadly just goes by herself in her ridiculous toddler dresses.
  7. .
    I just finished the second season of Dirty John which was about Betty Broderick. I could see Jen being a total nutcase about Tens when she first found out. The only difference was Betty seemed to actually want to see her kids.
  8. .
    I stopped watching her because of the nanny. She was shady about it and then when she revealed it, I started to think she probably has a maid, etc.
    More recently, i checked in again and she made a video stating she likes to take an hour to herself daily to read a book by the pool. One of her kids was not school age and again I found her unrelatable bc unless you have a nanny, how are you basking in sunlight reading a book by the pool as a mom of 2?
  9. .
    Girlfriend is PISSED! She thought she was gonna be the Christmas winner and get the kids the BEST gift for Christmas and then she finds out they have one already at their dads!
  10. .
    90210 is gonna kill her if she couldn't hike that trail in the last vlog. Remember the morning after one of those events she was sitting on a rocking chair and she looked like she was in a LOT of pain and could barely move? I see that in her future.
  11. .
    Enjoy your trip and thank you for all you do!
  12. .
    The person who had a physical list of rides and snacks to literally check off at Disney says she doesn't need to check off boxes on some imaginary list. Ok Jan.
  13. .
    I honestly believe she absolutely hates hiking. She kept complaining about the trail but kept going. She pushes herself, when it's clear she is in actual pain, to keep going. What is she trying to prove? Who in her life is even interested in any of this anymore? They don't respect her for it, they all think it's stupid.
  14. .
    Why does she keep obsessing about no one else being there. Sounds to me like she is terrified of being out there alone.
  15. .
    Her hair is disgusting! I seriously cannot believe she thinks it is acceptable to walk around like that
2354 replies since 6/10/2019