The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Svea Skog

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    QUOTE (Quailmama @ 10/5/2024, 06:02) 
    Ducks are disgusting. They are so dirty and poopy. I choose not to have them. I don't really like duck eggs anyway. Plus I have A LOT of chickens and quail.

    I would've been disappointed if you didn't have quail 😅
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    QUOTE (Truth Teller @ 6/5/2024, 17:20) 
    I just can't waste my time watching this ultra stupid woman ruin her kids childhood. The woman is as fucking stupid as the day is long. She is unbelievable! That asshole she is married to even more stupid to let her publicly abuse his kids when it comes to food. She talks like she knows what she is saying, I say she is too stupid to understand anything that isn't already imprinted in the small brain. She had no problems with the 3 oldest ones, other than a short period she claimed Ashylynn was allergic to dairy. I think that had more to do with Ashlynn not wanting, more than being allergic. Weird that it only Gerry's brats that have so many health issues! Poor gene combo!

    Didn't Ashlyn have a gluten free period too, in the old house? Tiffy wants to feel special by having kids with intolerances.
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    QUOTE (JamHands9 @ 4/5/2024, 14:59) 
    Wow. So much weight loss /sarcasmIMG_2687

    That's 181 g! I am fucking 💀 😂
    Girl, that's a mediocre 💩
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 25/4/2024, 13:49) 
    Why. Are. You. Posting. This. On. Social. Media????????????????

    Is this a new concept???? No. It’s not. Everyone knows that when you work out, you sweat and look gross!!!!! This is SO embarrassing!!!!!

    Someone needs to put this picture in that home alone (?) gif with Macaulay Culkin :snickering:
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    QUOTE (Chance86_ @ 13/4/2024, 19:52) 
    Did anyone else catch that she said she is having fun hanging out with the *parents* of her kids’ friends? Interesting that she said all the parents hang out instead of other Moms like she truly needs. I’m sure the fun for Bri comes in the way of flirting with married men and telling herself that she is the object of their desire.

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    QUOTE (headspace @ 11/4/2024, 13:31) 
    QUOTE (CatMom2 @ 11/4/2024, 02:04) 
    Re Tara being dumb, one of her vlogs she called ORGAIN powder “Origin”. Several times. I don’t think they sponsored the vlog, but still. Can the girl even READ??

    No, she can’t.

    Don't do drugs, kids
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    QUOTE (Hobbs @ 9/4/2024, 20:05) 
    Yes, they do share a room. My children all share as well, but they don't resent it because everyone gets along and is treated fairly. Tara doesn't treat her kids evenly so I am surprised if it is working out. Also, their personalities are soooo different, but yet Tara insists on treating and dressing them like twins. You have a 9 year old tomboy with a 6 year old diva who gets all the attention now...I can't see that working long term.

    Your comment made me think. I wonder if Tara only likes her kids in certain ages? A few years back Bayley was the favourite and Shay was practically the Devil to Tara. Now Shay is the fave? Bayley has started thinking for herself and developing her own likes and dislikes, which don't align with Tara's blush pink aesthetic. We'll see what happens when Shay is 9/10 and Tatum comes to the cutesy 6/7 age.
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 9/4/2024, 02:21) 
    These kids have serious nerve. Hanging around the house all day doing Jack squat and then ….i want i want i want.

    Monkey see, monkey do. That's basically all Vanessa does all day only she can buy, buy, buy cos she has a credit card.
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    QUOTE (Sparklegirl16 @ 6/4/2024, 20:18) 
    Last but not least...

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    QUOTE (Xtine @ 31/3/2024, 18:47) 
    I use Easter to “gift” the things kids need when spring hits anyway. Bathing suit, sandals, bubbles, chalk, sun glasses/sun hat (if they can’t use last years), etc. I got a few needs, a book and toy from thrift store, and one non-candy snack. I spent under $20. The trend of making Easter second Christmas is very bizarre. Especially since the lemon drops get whatever they want and appreciate nothing.

    Same! Stuff for summer, a couple of books and a chocolate egg. Easy.
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    QUOTE (JensEscapism @ 30/3/2024, 12:54) 
    That's the point of this site though - to trash talk/snark/gossip. If someone (the YouTubers themselves, their spouses/families, their friends, etc) come here and are butt hurt by what they read then the simple solution is to not read and not engage. We're all just a bunch of catty bitches on the internet, no one should take what we say to heart lol.

    The hard line that should be drawn is taking the posts/info read here and brining it anywhere else. Don't bring it to youtube comments, don't email anyone, and don't make comments on business pages. That's just unhinged. Again, we're just catty bitches from the internet, it's not that serious. Keep the shit talk here and only here.

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    QUOTE (Kishaswonkytits2 @ 28/3/2024, 18:15) 
    I think the only thing he did was mow the lawn. That’s it.

    Yup. On a ride on mower. What a guy.
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    QUOTE (Sparklegirl16 @ 28/3/2024, 02:30) 
    All this woman sees is candy down to these bird eggs! Seriously. Please Tara, don't get confused and eat them too. I repeat, they are not candy!! Oh brother.

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    QUOTE (cammyjoy @ 27/3/2024, 14:01) 
    Quailmama now that the baby is starting to eat solids, I just give her what we eat (within reason obviously she’s not having chili dogs 😂😂) and eventually she has grown accustomed to it and eats it without problem 🤷🏼‍♀️ also I don’t have time to cook separate meals. I already eat slightly different from what my husband and son eat, the two of them know if they don’t like the meal I made for them I’m not cooking a third time so there are easy options on hand for them to make something for themselves. Thankfully for me baby is starting to love veggies and her new thing is chickpeas she wants to eat them by the fist full. I’m like girl you need to take it one bean at a time, just because I know cpr doesn’t mean I want to have to save you 😂😂😂

    Man, I got a flashback to my first born there! She loved stuffing her mouth with red kidney beans 🙈
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    QUOTE (BeautifulDisaster @ 22/3/2024, 08:46) 
    QUOTE (Wtfishappeningonline @ 22/3/2024, 01:58) 
    I cannot even imagine a world where a child would be motivated by dried fruit.

    She proudly admitted she didn’t do it often either… I remember one of my teachers used to give us Swedish Fish as a reward. Oh how those kids know nothing of the world lol

    Exactly! If I'm bribing my toddler, it has to be something good like a Kinder egg 😂
650 replies since 20/12/2019