The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by DeletedDon

  1. .
    QUOTE (Livi! @ 6/5/2024, 09:53) 
    QUOTE (RossManor2.0 @ 6/5/2024, 03:48) 
    She never did report back on how that swimsuit held up…


    She only looks better in that old picture because we compare it to how rough she looks now. But if you forget about how horribly she's let herself go since then, she really did not look that great either. Her face was gaunt, her skin tone didn't look healthy, neither did her hair, and you could just tell there was an unhealthy type of weightloss. It wasn't the glowing kind of skinny, but the sickly kind of skinny. At least she was "a sucker for flutter sleeves" ... God forbit she ever wears anything feminine these days.

    I think Don handled it all wrong and Tens came into the picture way too quickly. No matter how well Tens would have tried to get things right with Jen, it was a lost battle from the start, because it was too soon. All these so called adults (slash parents of young children) should have had the maturity to handle things a bit more wisely and take a bit more time. The derailed Jen we've known since then is definitely partly due to that. But then again, people go through worse than that in their lives, so there's no reason for Jen to still be stuck on her self-destructive path by now. You get angry, you suffer, you cry, and then you move on! But no, she's on this never ending "wonder" journey of so called freedom now ... freedom from her ex, freedom from her children, freedom from her family. She thinks it's this wonderful journey everyone wants to follow and envies, when literally no one can relate or envies this kind of life. People find joy and comfort in their family, their children, their cozy home ... not by themselves in a Disney room.

    She's my daily reminder of how much I love my life, and she's my daily motivation to put effort into my children, my marriage, my friendships and to lay the croissant down, moisturize my face, trim my hair, put some makeup on and wear a pretty dress every now and then! Jen has become a daily motivation in reverse.

    Completely agree with this and the 'reverse influencer' take.

    My husband and I are right in these baby years with 2 kids 2 years apart. Jen makes me hyper aware of the need to take care of myself (I mean being active, eating well, building my career, etc), my kids, and my relationship. And my house! And my friendship!! Any work I need to do to not become her :nono2:
  2. .
    QUOTE (Todolovethebaby2 @ 2/2/2024, 19:24) 
    QUOTE (DeletedDon @ 2/2/2024, 11:02) 
    Guys I'm watching the last season of Queer Eye, and IMAGINE if the Fab Five visited Jen?? We need to make this happen
    One person attacks the empty ballroom, one the terrible wardrobe, one the abysmal nutrition, one the hair and makeup situation... and one the psychological mountain of to dos

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    You know I was thinking of you as I wrote it :hug:
  3. .
    Guys I'm watching the last season of Queer Eye, and IMAGINE if the Fab Five visited Jen?? We need to make this happen
    One person attacks the empty ballroom, one the terrible wardrobe, one the abysmal nutrition, one the hair and makeup situation... and one the psychological mountain of to dos

    Sent via ForumFree Mobile

  4. .
    You guys made me laugh so hard between the counterclockwise discussion and the following posts, i had an asthma attack :XD:

    QUOTE (BerthaGene @ 2/2/2024, 02:11) 
    I would rather see this behemoth sit alone in a fancy tearoom than photograph a shit-filled outhouse like it's the Taj Mahal.

    THIS !!!
  5. .
    I feel like I've known her faults (self centered, egotistical, uneducated, selfish...) for a very long time, they've always been front and center in her 'content'. But this is the first time that I can remember where she all but admits to being depressed, where she pretty much openly says she's been too depressed to have proper hygiene, to present herself better (nicer clothes, makeup...), to be around people of her 'circle (as opposed to campers and other poor people of the masses, in her eyes)
    And not to jenfend, but good for her for washing her hair, thinking of ways to make all her hair less fine, putting makeup on and wearing her best outfit to go somewhere nice.
    She's nowhere near addressing the real issues in her life, but if she could face her depression and at least go back to her usual levels of selfishness, it'd be better for everyone (and we might get better content, at some hauls that are not crowned athletics or stickers)

    Sent via ForumFree Mobile

  6. .
    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 25/1/2024, 15:13) 
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 25/1/2024, 06:14) 
    Btw, that party at the SK was $250 per child and was only for 4-6 year olds.

    What the fuck?!

    Did The Wiggles come and perform?!


    Parents had to pay $250 per kid for a party at the school? At the school they pay to go to?

    Deleted Don means she deleted him from her Instagram.

  7. .
    QUOTE (Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol @ 19/1/2024, 19:45) 
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 1/19/2024, 12:43 PM) 
    Dear Diary Journal 🙄

    Dear diary,

    Today my number was called in the chaos lottery. I am going to have to cancel my runDisney races because of THAT man.

    Even though I have never acknowledged her existence, I will need to ask Tensleigh to take the kids for a sleepover because I need to get my beloved Blue settled.

    I’m bitter and full of resentment, so I’m going to listen to the Reputation album on repeat because the songs were inspired by anger and vengeance. I can’t believe Don is doing this to ME.

    I love you, dear one.


    The absolute accuracy of this is truly mind boggling.

    Right?? Honestly at first I was wondering if Party was typing something Jen was showing in the video
  8. .
    QUOTE (CryingGrayMarshmallowBlob @ 12/1/2024, 04:39) 

    My profile pic 3_3

    Colonial ponytail has to find its way into the next thread title

    Edited by DeletedDon - 1/12/2024, 12:50 PM
  9. .
    I had to update my username after that latest move

    I'm on the 'Don's fed up and pushing her legally to respect the divorce terms' train!
  10. .
    Totally understandable that you'd need to vent, it's very frustrating to watch loved ones make decisions that we think are wrong. You know it's his decision and that you need to disengage from the search, so I also think you'll feel much better after your appointment once you have better visibility of where the boundaries are and how you're going to maintain them. It's a fine line between getting involved (shoutout for the spreadsheet, I did the same during my house search!), being completely detached, and the sweet spot of being able to flag important things like a grocery store loading dock being noisy from 2am on... without being emotionally invested in his choice.
  11. .
    QUOTE (MissReview @ 9/20/2021, 11:21 PM) 
    ETA : The reason I was looking at it is taht now with kids, I always struggle to get my cards out for public transport or paying at stores and then always end up throwing the card or change loose into my bag not in the wallet and I was looking for a solution, because it is an accident waiting to happen I know it. I had thought about a bigger bag with an integrated wallet, but I often need to have a diaper bag with me, and I'd rather not lug around a full purse AND a diaper bag, or buy a nice bag with wallet and shove diaper in it and then have a too big bag when I'm past the diaper years.

    Just wanted to +1 on this: I bought myself a wallet on a chain from Michael Kors for this exact reason. When I have the big bag, the strap is in a pocket and the wallet in there along side the diapers etc. If I leave baby with his dad to go run some errands, I grab the wallet and strap out. When I go out on my own the wallet moves to my purse and it doesn't look weird. If I carry baby in the Ergo I can still easily wear the WOC. In my opinion it works really well for moms!
  12. .
    QUOTE (Single and Sad @ 9/18/2021, 03:21 PM) 
    QUOTE (Unserviceable Jenbot @ 18/9/2021, 08:38) 
    Is Jen SWFing young and quasi-alone-living-in-the-boonies Isabel Paige now? :cant-believe-my-eyes-smiley-emo
    Isabel's latest video shows her backpacking alone for the first time and camping for the night in a remote location (national state park probably lol).

    alone and scared

    Or....she is SWFing the new American Girl Doll? Does she a camper van too?

    Or is she SWF Boho Berry, down to the huge fiasco of trying to backpack alone (on the AT I think)? She did have a backpacking-specific journal :)
  13. .
    There's a timeline here too:
  14. .
    We've been having these at my work for 4-5 years now. It's as awful as you imagine, and so uncomfortable. You can only sit on that awful stool, which is screwed in the floor, no space to stand. We only use them for calls but as said above, if I'm going to lock myself in a fish tank for a call I could take it from home.
    We had one in the communal kitchen. One day I had 4h of calls in a row. My colleagues drew prison bars on the door while I was stuck inside...
    I cant imagine being bigger than I am and being made to use these.
    BTW my company just refurbished the whole office and yes, we got more of these...
  15. .
    I grew so tired of the size nonsense in most stores (at least the brands I can afford) that it's turned me into a clothes minimalist. The energy and time it takes to find just ONE pair of jeans that fit well... I wouldn't even have time to find clothes to hoard nowadays
201 replies since 31/10/2020