The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by RubADubBingingInTheTub

  1. .
    Just when I thought she had simmered down; the scolding comes back in full force!

    It’s this need to prove the narrative she writes as irrefutable fact. I agree with her not showing her kids, but why not just say “I won’t be showing them publicly.”? End of discussion. Why make multiple stories with multiple reasons why? Don’t like other people coming to their own conclusion that you hate your kids Gene?

    Wonder if it’s because they remind her of Don…
  2. .
    Jen definitely thinks she’s the first person ever to “camp” in a trailer.

    That being said I’m glad she’s not risking her life sleeping in a car again.
  3. .
    I really don’t understand the appeal of sleeping in a car. When people are destitute it’s really looked down on, like they’ve failed in life. But it’s ok for some not quite 1%er any more to do it voluntarily when they own their home with no mortgage.
  4. .
    I really don’t think it’s all that concerning. I think someone did over step a mark and called a welfare check on her. The pride of Gene would never allow her to admit she had a social worker on her case. Vying for sympathy suddenly isn’t so fun if you’ve got someone to answer to about it.
  5. .
    Is she still being boring?
  6. .
    Someone told me you should never “give in” to having a child just because your partner really wants them or you’re going to end up making three people unhappy.

    Or in gene’s case four people, she’s made tensleigh very happy though and that must be a killer :snickering:
  7. .
    Don has some really awful views, that is certain. Yet I still wouldn’t wish him what having Gene as an ex wife must be like. Imagine after a divorce your partner inviting themselves to your families home, being inflexible with the custody schedule and shitposting about you years on? It’s clear that she thinks about him every day, probably multiple times, it’s weird and obsessive. These things take time to heal from but my gosh woman you’ve made zero progress since this all started.
  8. .
    Gene said she wanted time to herself, to focus on her “needs” or whatever. And that is exactly what she got. Endless, waning, time, by herself. Alone in that house.
  9. .
    Coming up soon:

    The Scolding TWO!! : electric boogaloo
  10. .
    She’s definitely crying, the little sniffles don’t change volume when winnie moves away vs when she was close.
    The human in me thinking no one deserves to feel this sad, however this is the same woman who bawled her eyes out in camera over milk.
  11. .
    I think what’s going to hit Gene especially hard is when she realises her kids would actually be completely fine without her. Particularly Donny. They’re young enough to where they’d be accepting of tens as a mother figure, particularly if she actually takes them to places other than one park and the basement.

    I can fully see her having a fit of an argument with one of them along the lines of Tensleigh isn’t your mother so you should never call her that, with one of the kiddos replying with “well I wish she was 👀”
  12. .
    QUOTE (BackupSize8 @ 6/6/2021, 18:24) 
    I don't get why people insist that marriages can't last if you haven't been dating for at least 300 years. Like nobody ever gets divorced who married after having dated for years prior to the wedding. Like people don't change over time and that can be an issue.

    Example: my aunt was with her partner for ten years before they married, got divorced in one year.

    A friend’s parents were married after 6 months! They have been married for 30+ years now.

    Time means very little in whether a relationship will work out or not, look at Gene dearest, threw away 18 years to piss around in a van. Everyone grows, but it takes a lot of work to grow together versus growing apart.
  13. .
    Yeah people say hurtful (yet truthful) things about her online but I’ll bet it pales in comparison to the intrusive thoughts she must live with in that wacko brain of hers. Exercising at 4 am for hours upon hours when you don’t work or have any other commitments? Sure Gene it’s because you’re healthy. She’s a pit of low self esteem, she portrays externally she’s in love with herself and her journey, but it’s self evident she hates her body and life. TWO!! things she’s incredibly fortunate to have.
  14. .
    My gosh she is so boring at the moment, I’ve been taking personal time away from the bakery to be gentle to myself, but I’m leaning back in.

    I can’t lie and say I don’t feel for situation, to see yourself be visibly replaced so easily must be really awful. Do I feel for her personally? Absolutely not, pride before a fall etc etc
  15. .
    QUOTE (Narcissism101 @ 1/6/2021, 18:54) 
    QUOTE (Start-the-fire @ 1/6/2021, 18:12) 
    Playing off someone else's comment last thread (sorry I forget who), perhaps the rebrand is motivated by her desire to get some real D. When you google pretty neat living, this site is right in the top results. She wouldn't get past the 1st date without being googled. But now she can tell potential men her info is "with wonder", and when you google that, this site is nowhere to be found. I think she is trying to hide the Bakery from anyone and everyone. I'm sure deleting mhwl is related.

    Of course she wants to date! She said it last December and only changed her tune when she couldn’t/wouldn’t/didn’t do so. Or could/would/did and it went badly. Now that Don is engaged I’m sure she’s revisiting her dating efforts and trying again.
    I hope she is, because it could be fun to watch her rush into a bad thing just to try to rub Dons nose in it, LOL.

    Jen sure loves to change the narrative, so you just know this how it went down, whatever cognitive dissonance helps her sleep at night I guess.
290 replies since 15/1/2021