The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Cleanmachine

  1. .
    In a recent organizing video Ashley quickly shoved Brianna K’s Cap and Queen spray to the way back of her supply cabinet without a mention, but then she’s actively promoting LoveMeg’s wallpaper channel. Hmm.
  2. .
    The kids are painfully aware of the camera. After their staged dinner prayer, Prezzley wants to discuss whether God is love, if he yells at kids and children. Bri edits some of the conversation out, and then ignores and talks over her daughter. P gives up and talks about her burger to try and get Mom’s attention. This would have been a perfect time to have a real discussion. Bri is too fake and shallow to care.
  3. .
    Meg’s new “soft slow and feminine” talk is just once again aiming for a niche she thinks will work for her… this time it’s the whole “trad wife” thing.
  4. .
    Bri has finally figured out what she wants in a man; a billionaire cowboy who “lets the liquor talk”. Sounds like a nightmare.
  5. .
    This latest divorced mom video is one of the saddest I’ve seen. The kids were staring into the camera and seemed to be getting the ick from that. Also her workout pants were beyond fugly. Why was there a weird puckered area in the back that looked like an enlarged asshole? Also, no mom wants that dumb watch for Mother’s Day. Showing the front of dad’s house that is “only 10 minutes from mine”. Damn, Bri.
  6. .
    Kristen Cavallari manages to look cute, not skanky, even though she’s showing just as much skin as the other two. She has a little bit of class and is a successful business woman who does not exploit her children on social media.

    Catlady, thank you so much for sharing your experiences with Bri’s course and incredibly unprofessional, exploitative behavior. So bad!
  7. .
    Adam dancing around in a pre-shower towel trying to make some sort of unintelligible sexual reference? Tara seemingly so annoyed packing for him… Why not just ask him to pack a couple “dressy” outfits? He could ask for her approval on his choices if necessary. The spark is obviously not there. Hope they brought some of their sexy drawer items to help facilitate things.
  8. .
    Yes to all of this ⬆️💯. Speaking from experience, as my parents divorced when I was not yet two. It always made me feel bad about myself when my mom would speak poorly of my dad. She remarried when I was four, but my stepdad was always just that, unfortunately. Bri needs to take a breath, and think about her kids well-being as well as her own… but she won’t.
  9. .
    What’s new at Target! 2021!
  10. .
    Why re-upload old videos? I’m certainly not interested in those. The new ones are okay, she shows her current life, but there is an overwhelming feeling that she is just not being honest and upfront with her viewers.
  11. .
    Bri gives zero credit to the men in her life, and now she’s hoping for another? Brad seems to have done a lot for the Crap and Queef launch, he helped her with her remodel, and was willing to go along with various social media shenanigans. Adam worked, helped parent the kids and also went along with social media. What is she looking for in a man? Just $$$? Her boo hoo bitterness is ridiculous.
  12. .
    A full day of eating for Tara and one small cucumber with ranch was the only fresh fruit or vegetable? And then she counts on some weird green gummy bear for her nutritional needs.
  13. .
    Presley is holding up the “loser” hand signal to the camera/Bri’s audience. These kids get it.
  14. .
    Bits of Bri hates to clean her stinky house. Now she’s after a rich new spouse!
  15. .
    Bri keeps dropping HUGE HINTS that Adam and Brad treated her horribly, says she owes us an explanation, and then proceeds to say absolutely nothing specific to back up her sad claims?
110 replies since 6/3/2021