The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by grilledcheesesandwiches

  1. .
    Is the area Taken lives in not great? Like it is a cute enough house, but the road needs work, there is no kerb and gutter or footpath, none of the yards are particularly manicured, etc?
  2. .
    I'm all for limiting kids screen time and monitoring their internet usage - but lets be real, Jessica just doesn't want the kids to find anything 'worldly' that might derail her 'teachings' and having them question her beliefs.
  3. .
    At least she’s finally admitted her goal is to be able to sit on her ample arse doing nothing while her kids run around doing it all for her.

    Presumably in a hyper-Christian family, the kids will marry relatively young. How does she plan to cope as a 70 year old when they’re all out of the home? I know she refers to caring for future grandchildren but surely they will only visit on occasion and not become her new little free slaves. After a good 30 odd years by that time of having her kids do most (and by then, all) of her jobs it’s going to be Avery rude awakening when she has to take them all over as an elderly lady.
  4. .
    I don't think the issue is so much same-gender room-sharing, it is that there is such a massive difference in age and life stages in the one room (which, based on the overall house size would not be very large). 3 girls of say 8, 10 and 12 sharing a room is very different than 1, 10 and 12 (or whatever they are).
    Same as the boys - the youngest is what, maybe 3? And the oldest is now working and driving. Assuming at least Gabe stays home for college, they'll have adult men in their late teens/early 20s sharing with lower elementary school aged kids.
    Even one extra sleeping space to separate the older boys from the 'stooges' would surely have to be preferable (appreciating the constraints of the house and 'ideal' not always being possible).
  5. .
    Imagine if the family of origin did to Jen what she’s done to them.

    The nostril flares would never end!
  6. .
    It was sad to me (as a non-American) Gabe had to spend his Thanksgiving morning studying for a test - if he weren’t working for free for so many hours for his parents, I’m sure he’d have been up to date on his study and been able to enjoy the day off with his family.
  7. .
    I suspect it would have been Jen, Gravy, Jill, Scott, Bev, Emma, Jaidyn and a boyfriend
  8. .
    My husband's family does a pre-Christmas event that is in a couple of weeks. I'm in charge of desserts - one of the kids is dairy free; last year I did some 'normal' and some DF. This year I'm challenging myself to do an entirely DF charcuterie-style dessert board. There will be about 10 different options/dishes (is it still called a dish when it is a dessert?)

    Short of grinding my own grains, every single thing will be made 100% from scratch. I'm already planning it and beyond excited. I also work full-time and given it is a Saturday event won't even have a whole day to prepare.

    That is how you do it Jen.
  9. .
    Tens, as a non-American, I’d be very thankful if you posted a photo of the spread you’ve lovingly prepared… I’m sure it is far more wonderful than anything Jen could even dream of.
  10. .
    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 23/11/2023, 04:52) 
    So she has the kids this Thanksgiving? I thought she gave them all up for Don. Or maybe that was Easter.

    That’s Easter.
    They trade out Thanksgiving (along with who has them first on Christmas)
  11. .
    I’ve been with my hairdresser probably 10 years or close enough to it at this point.

    We are friendly
    We follow each other on social media and interact as appropriate
    We know what is going on in each others lives - good and bad

    We’re not friends.
    We don’t see each other outside the confines of my paid appointment

    Jen doesn’t realise that friendliness and friends are two(!) different things
  12. .
    QUOTE (NefariouslyHappiestAlone @ 19/11/2023, 01:55) 
    I think she said there were only 8 of them. Scott and Bev, Jill and Gravy, Jen (solo mom), and ?????

    Scott and Bev’s daughters + boyfriend?

    QUOTE (ShiseidoCottonPad @ 19/11/2023, 02:18) 
    QUOTE (VeganGingerbread @ 11/18/2023, 07:07 PM) 
    So this morning's Instagram story... her furniture placement is still tragic, but at least now that she's added all the red Christmas day-cor, the room isn't so lifeless and cold and gray. How does she not see that and recognize the uplift a bit of colour gives? Sheesh.

    Definitely better. But, those stockings irk me. Why are they solid red instead of white at the top? What do I know? Is solid red de rigueur these days?

    My question is why is Winnie’s on display? I’m yet to watch - does she explain?
  13. .
    Part of Jen’s problem is lack of vision.

    When decorating RM1 she simply opened a PB catalogue and bought everything on the page without considering mixing and matching pieces.

    For RM2 she has seen whatever is trendy and bought each individual item without considering whether it works with what she already has.
  14. .
    I thought she’d said in the past the master/Adam’s room was on the ground floor
  15. .
    Love the last few stories show her working so hard after todays commentary in the bakery 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
1096 replies since 8/11/2016