The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by grilledcheesesandwiches

  1. .
    Man, I feel so honoured - she has basically copied my comment almost verbatim!

    Whilst you’re obviously reading here Jessica - the one thing you are completely right about today is that your food does look like vomit. I’ll give you that one.

    Ultimately, I think despite what she tries to portray, Jessica is incredibly lazy. She will palm any and every thing she can off to her kids (she couldn’t even be bothered to make the most simple of chore charts herself but rather gave yet another of her tasks to the older boys when they already do SO much of her work), she can’t be bothered to keep up with even a very downsized garden, she admits her house is constantly a mess and at the end of the day the massive breaks in her education schedule are because SHE wants a break.

    Apart from washing the dishes and throwing some slop on plates three times a day, I genuinely don’t know what she does to fill her days. She admits she doesn’t need to do much with the older ones for schooling and equally admits she only spends very brief time “educating” her younger ones. She relies on the older ones to provide free daycare and parenting to the younger ones. She has offloaded every chore she possibly can. Make it make sense!
  2. .
    QUOTE (wnywife @ 14/11/2023, 11:01) 
    You left out context. Jessica clearly stated a few of the children had differing opinions & each participated in a debate to present their reasons.

    In addition, she also created a reel stating that while she would love for her children around her & choose homesteading, she knows some day they will most likely choose their own path.

    Personally I see nothing wrong with your parents being your role models.

    Interesting you bring up the “how will the adapt to the whole 9-5 reality.”

    It’s been a very long time since most jobs are 9-5 Mon - Fri
    Most jobs have varying schedules. Lots of people working 3 day or 4 day weeks.
    People adapt as they mature. Are any of us the same person we were as a pre-teen or teen? Goodness, I hope not.

    No, she gave them opposing opinions for the sake of a debate - not that they inherently believed it.
    You've also chosen to neglect the point I was making that most of us work (however many days a week that may be) with very few weeks off a year. Now granted I live in Australia where we have 4 weeks annual leave and our schools are shut for a total of (generally) 11 weeks over the course of the year but regardless, it is not realistic to take off massive chunks of time just because you've worked 'hard' (hardly) for a couple of months.
  3. .
    Jessica made a comment recently specifically about the girls that she (basically) hopes they grow up to be just like her - gardening and a giant family.

    There is nothing wrong with people aspiring to be parents but there is also nothing wrong with the girls wanting something else too

    I found it interesting she recently said she has to teach facts for things like the Ohio abortion debate as she is quite opinionated on it, as are the kids. Where do you think they got those opinions from?! They have the views of their parents and others with the same opinions around them 24/7. I doubt they’ve ever had a conversation with someone in need of termination.

    Jessica is all proud of herself for doing 5 days x 14 weeks of school - and getting ready to take a long stretch off (having just had a long stretch off over summer). It is her self-given job to teach the kids! How does she think they’re going to cope when they’re grown and working 5+ days a week and given how effed up the American industrial relations system is are probably unlikely to get more than a week or two off in an entire year?!
  4. .
    Not a weekend warrior, a health professional that works with a lot of clients with various neurodivergences
  5. .
    My cherry tomatoes are just starting to ripen, flowers on my chilli but no fruit yet. A couple of strawberries and plenty more flowers (I had to put the pot up high - apparently my sweet little dog enjoys herself some strawbs - but only half a one at a time :nono2:
  6. .
    QUOTE (zellie @ 9/11/2023, 03:58) 
    I've read some Reddit threads saying that Jessica's look is not actually something he's into - he prefers her hair down, more modern clothes, etc. I don't know if this is something she's mentioned before or where that comes from, but it is interesting. Is this whole "I live in biblical times" cosplay all her idea?

    She has spoken about it multiple times. Her interpretation of the bible is more literal for those sections; Adam thinks the head covering etc doesn’t apply in modern times but is happy to respect her choices. She also will pick times to wear leggings, leave her hair down, etc, to visually please him.
  7. .
    In the decorating picture.... not to shade a child with needs, and not to encourage looking at a childs crotch.... but does Charlotte have a diaper on under her leggings?!

    Also... Australia does not want you here Jin.
  8. .
    I worry about her religious education of the kids - not that they are religious (plenty of people are) but typically kids in those families go to mainstream schools where they have proper education on different religions.

    I’d be surprised if the kids know anything of Islam, or Judaism or Hinduism or whatever else - and if it does come up I’m sure they’re indoctrinated in their “education” that anything other than conservative Christianity is point blank “wrong”.
  9. .
    My husband made comment before that my toes point straight whereas his go (slightly) to the side - my immediate question was if he has a bunion 😅
  10. .
    I think she’s trying to play up her southern. It just makes her lack of intelligence show.

    How she managed to make it through a journalism degree I have no idea.
  11. .
    It infuriates me when an adult makes choices (to move to a large property, to have a giant garden and animals, to have a million kids, whatever) when they can’t handle the workload.

    I do believe kids should have chores but not because the parents can’t handle the amount of work there is so create quite a significant load for their kids who never chose to be one of 9 siblings and aren’t old enough to be parents, or didn’t choose the homesteading lifestyle, or whatever - and in Jessica’s case, some of those chores are filthy and bloody hard work.

    If Jessica and Adam want to raise beef and poultry and have a bunch of kids and have a large garden and whatever else they’ve chosen, they should be the ones doing the work for it - not sending their kids (with zero body fat for warmth) out in snow and heatwaves and whatever other adverse conditions because they don’t want to do it themselves. If it is too unpleasant for adults it’s definitely too unpleasant for kids.
  12. .
    That just made me think of the constant parentification of the elder ones and how much that enrages me
  13. .
    It was always going to be a hard task… but when all of your time, attention, love and money goes to 5 of those kids and the other 13 get none? Nah bro.
  14. .
    You know what I’m pondering and finding interesting…

    Jen has so much ‘trauma’ from her parents being frugal and not giving her allllllllllll the things.

    Does she not think (clearly not, lol) about the trauma she is inflicting on her children by not only cheaping out on them but spoiling herself in the process?!
  15. .
    QUOTE (SweetSmellOfSolitude @ 31/10/2023, 16:08) 
    QUOTE (CryingGrayMarshmallowBlob @ 10/31/2023, 03:32 PM) 
    So, did Jen go to the kids' Halloween costume parade at the SK this morning, or was she too busy shuffling in the snow flurries?
    CC spotted in the distance in IG reel

    Her school has to be annoyed at how they have to make sure to cut the camera off before CC or Donnie gets in front of it. Or how they have to make sure their faces are covered when they take a group picture. And all because Jen thinks she is so super important that she has to protect her kids' privacy... unless she is showing them (or their underwear) on her channel.

    I mean in fairness I’m not a public person but if I had kids I sure as hell wouldn’t consent for their school to post them all over the internets either.

    Not saying Jen isn’t a hypocrite… but also lots of people believe children shouldn’t be on social media and particularly not public social media
1095 replies since 8/11/2016