The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Holidaydressofchoice

  1. .
    I mean... She did let herself go.

    Maybe that's what she thinks it means? In which case girlfriend is killing it!

    No one has let themselves go better than Jen.
  2. .
    CC is going to be a very pretty adult.

    Donny... Has a unibrow.
  3. .
    Jenny from the basement.

    In my mind Jen doesn't have genitals, and I don't need her wrecking that for me.

    I think she's trying to date. That's why she is remembering her below ground past.
  4. .
    I think the kids saving grace is that they will never read Jen's journals.

    By the time Jen dies they are going to be so over her shit, it will all go in the bin.
  5. .
    That really stressed me out. She reminds me of my ADHD unmedicated. I'm not a hoarder but her short term interest in things and need for a dopamine hit.

    It is telling though that she will buy everything for herself but can't decorate her home for her kids.

    Her project life is empty like her actual life.

    Living with her must be exhausting.
  6. .
    I love you assholes and I would pay $5 a month to hang out here.
  7. .
    Jen is a boil growing on the face of consumerism and narcissism.

    Sadly for Jen the Ross family is no longer available.
  8. .
    Lordy, how long have I been gone for?

    Don's in rehab. Tens is mowing down people in her minivan. Jen is responsible for her own children for a whole week?!

    Shit is really hitting the fan up in here.
  9. .
    I grew up with a single mom on the "wrong side of the tracks". I have great taste and a gorgeous home.

    My mom and I shopped at Value Village, Salvation army, and made our own stuff.

    Our home was always lovely despite being pretty broke.

    Style is something you are born with...

    Signed, A stylish egotistical formally poor child who knows I can dress and decorate better than most
  10. .
    Jen did not have PPD. Jen had asshole-itis.

    She was a grown ass woman who didn't work, cook, or clean for over a decade. Of course she was miserable when she had a baby to look after! Jen used to be the baby.
  11. .
    It's been a minute ladies, but nice to know Jen never changes.
  12. .
    She isn't an attractive woman in my opinion. The weight loss makes her face look even konger.
  13. .
    Girlfriend needs to let go of the rebel teenage dream. It's over Jen. Kurt Cobain died. No tattoos for you. Jen's life Smells like teen spirit. Really grungy teen spirit.

    Tens is really pretty. I think she is prettier than both Jen and Sandra Bullock. Don really did punch up this time.
  14. .
    Lol Her saying Sandra is beautiful after being told she looks like her!
    She is such a textbook overt narcissist.

    I don't see the resemblance myself, but I also don't think Sandra Bullock is beautiful. I think she is cute, when Jen was younger she was cute too.

    The more I see of Jen the more I am relieved Don and those kids have a new seemingly normal loving family to be part of.

    CC is going to need so much therapy.
  15. .
    That picture looks like the cover of a bad porn.

    She's not sexy. She needs to let that dream go. She is trying so hard and it's not working. She needs to talk to Jesus.
617 replies since 3/8/2017