The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by ContributeToTheCollective

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    QUOTE (Stillprentendingtobeabusybee @ 6/7/2022, 02:46) 
    I have been gone for a while… however, I’m so angry at this assholes silence on the highland park tragedy. She is local, and has a decent size following. Why isn’t she posting ways to help? She spends her time posting dumb ass passive aggressive quotes but is staying quiet now?! 😡

    It is really sad. But I’d rather have her be honest and post nothing, than be performative.

    When tragedy happens she never adds anything to a conversation. Her thoughts always go back to her struggles. And in Jen fashion, she completely misses the opportunity to meaningfully connect with others.
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    I think it’s important to remember, Jen has a dysfunctional relationship with food and exercise. It’s clear she has no interest in improving herself or teaching her children better. I really hope Mama T will give them a healthier approach to both.
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    Here’s a little fan fic. I didn’t watch her video, but picture it. The kitchen at RM3: the kids playing a board game at the table with Daddy Don. Mama T lovingly plates a beautiful selection of healthy and fun tasty treats. With a nice cold glass of their beverage of choice. The kids have fun with each other as they play their game, and they see two adults interacting with them in a positive way.

    In fact, if someone is out of the game or gets in trouble for being a bit too much, Mama T will redirect them by having them help prepare the fun food with her. Mama T believes in giving the kids a healthy variety of food and drinks, because it will help them appreciate what they put in their body, and have a healthy relationship with food.

    VS. RM2, Jen in the kitchen throwing together any slop and scarfing it down; telling the kids to eat up and like it, because it’s what works best for mama.

    Jen, the kids know when something is prepared with love for them, and they are an after thought. Just so you know.
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    I'm convinced that her PNL days were about representing the Ross family. She felt the need to look her best and put a little effort into her videos. Not to mention her love of humble bragging, or bragging out right. I also think the video editing and preparation were the perfect excuse to keep Don away from her.

    But now she sees no reason to take pride in herself or her "work".

    After the divorce, her true lack of color and personality shines through.

    She is now someone who has proven to be boring, dirty and depressing.

    I love the bakery, but I can't watch her crap anymore.

    Thank you everyone for the laughs and sanity checks. That's why I found the bakery in the first place. It was comforting to know the others could see her fake persona and gaslighting.

    I will check back from time to time. But it's summer and I have much more interesting and fun things to do than watch the gray blob.

    Have a great summer my fellow bakers.
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    It’s clear Jen has three loves in her life: Exercise, Eating and Shopping. We have years of digital proof of each. I don’t think she really loves travel, she’s simply running away from her life. That’s all it is.

    What a waste of potential.
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    QUOTE (Cringene Ross @ 26/5/2022, 06:02) 
    Jen got lucky when she married Dumbass Don. Even with all of his Keith Dollars, that's the best he could do? Yes, that's how gross Don has always been.

    If not for Don's family money, Jen would be one of these today:
    Living in her parents basement
    Living off disability in subsidized housing

    But childless, at least.

    Sometimes I *wonder* if she would have been able to actually build a career for herself, or even just have a stable job had she not married into money. But I really think she wouldn't have been capable of it. She wouldn't have been able to hold a job, any job.

    Youtube, Patreon or whatever is her pretend job. Something to make herself not appear so useless, and that at the same time she uses to fulfill her narcissistic needs.

    I often wonder if deep down she feels guilty about not really using her true potential? You know, really making a go for some kind of career. And even if she didn’t need to work, at least committing herself to be a very active and involved parent or community member.
    I think we’ve all seen that all she really shows the world is how she spends money on herself. Not to mention spending most of her days riding a bike or treadmill going nowhere
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    QUOTE (merino wool underwear @ 25/5/2022, 23:26) 
    Jen is just an asshole. I say it almost every post "go get therapy" but I will be honest...I really don't think there is help for her. to address her issues, she would have to admit that she is struggling and Jen can NEVER admit fault, or failure. Jen feels like she knows better than everyone.
    tbh I don't even know wtf she was saying in that video. so much drama, and tragedy over a screw up in filming. Calm down Jen, it's just youtube. This isn't a real job. you would have been fired a long time ago if it was. Jen's "content" has always been mediocre at best. Jen didn't want to film if she did, she could have thought of a quick 10 minute video to produce, or just do a live for those that pay her.

    I think she is still very upset over Don's wedding celebration, she is livid that the bakery got to see a lot of that day, she has had to take care of her own children and it seems to frustrate her, who knows what the curveball was, but all road lead to either Don and his lovely wife or something stupid like her order was delayed.

    Jen, you are the most empty human I have ever seen. no real tears, always drama, always some issue. no real words, no true empathy. I don't know if anyone in her real life reads here but for the love of god, get this woman help or tell her off. Don and Tens, get those children away from her.

    all I ever see when Jen comes on, is a robot that tries to be human but just can't. how many "breakdowns" has she had since starting patreon. I feel like every week she is crying about something. Jen, have some self respect and stop using the camera as a friend.

    This clip of Jen rubbing her face while most likely in the process of telling a half truth or full on lie, looks similar to Ms. Herd’s original Deposition recording; when she got caught in the lie about leaking information to TMZ.
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    QUOTE (pinksims @ 22/5/2022, 09:24) 
    QUOTE (PowderRoomCandy @ 22/5/2022, 08:35) 
    Ok here's my ramble. Pardon the lengthiness.

    I think what irks me the most about her revolving door of personas is that she only superficially adopts the attributes that mean a lot to the people who are truly passionate about whatever her obsession du jour is. She doesn't have any real passion, respect, or commitment to learn a skill or become a true fan of anything. She rarely makes it past the buying all the things phase.

    The only thing she has stuck with is exercising, but even with that she doesn't train properly so it's not healthy or effective. The only thing she's really good at is leeching off others and being a gold digger.

    Constantly co-opting other people's passions and pretending they have always been her thing is what brings a decent portion of people here. It's irritating to see Jenbo shit all over the things we love. For me personally it's Disney, Star Wars, plant based, tattoo, and music lover Jen personas that hit too close to home and really annoy me.

    I know she's just a broken person desperately trying to find something that will finally make her feel like she fits in. She just goes about it in the most insufferable way every single time.

    As high school me would say, she's a total poser. And adult me says stay in your own fucking lane Jen. She isn't a Star Wars nerd or an ethical vegan or a biker chick or an outdoorsy person. She isn't a fitness guru or a health nut or a crafty person. She isn't an engaged parent or an effective travel vlogger and she damn sure isn't trying to become a better person. She is truly unlikable.

    I agree - and it's because Jen is a classic 'follower' personality type. We've all met these women who take on the interests and hobbies of whatever boyfriend they're with at the time, and never seem to have their own opinions about anything - they just absorb other people's. Jen talks about how her relationship with Don was 'caging', but it was actually exactly what people like her need in life: to be led by others and to have other people dictate what's happening (i.e. the strong presence of the Rosses). Even in her late 30s she doesn't have a clue who she is. This is why she's so happy in her old videos and so miserable in her new ones. And why I'm convinced that Jen has been blindsided all along by Don leaving her and getting remarried. And why I was on the hay ride until the Christmas Death Stare. Follower-types aren't the divorcing kind. Except Jen is slightly different: follower-types usually put other people first. Jen has this weird quirk of being a follower, but also being insanely selfish. Which unfortunately means that she repels other people (hence the NoFriendsItis she is constantly plagued with).

    So now Jen is lost in the abyss of her own decision making, which consists of her trying on different personalities and looking more and more lost. That's why the best thing that Jen can do at this point is to get on the dating apps and start dating. Once she has a new man she can just annoyingly absorb his personality and happily get on with her life. Without that she will be directionless forever.

    Or she can just get off the Internet and start to do something with her life, Without the inspiration or direction from other people. Then accept who she is and live her life.

    I made myself home at the bakery after her “This is the season of life I’m in.” rant in her bathroom. The way she said what was going on without saying anything needed to be decoded. Thankfully the bakery was at the rescue.
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    Wow, I wonder if Tens has a tattoo and Jen is trying to show the internet that she can be a cool mom too.
    Little does she understand that her older fans will likely not agree with her choices. As if the choices she has made so far have lead to a healthy and happy life. Good grief!
    Go ahead Jen, and get the tat and motorbike, we dare you.
  10. .
    I’ve just logged in to check and see what’s Going on after a long day at work. As I was decompressing watching HGTV, I had a thought. Jen said she always takes pictures of her kids on her phone on her camera. Hell she even has nature photographs.
    How in the hell did she just settle for two pictures of her kids in the guest powder room?!? That’s the only color added to her walls in the massively square-footed home. She’s an idiot.
    She wants to live in cold drab place isolated and alone. As the days progress I have less and less sympathy for her.
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    Even if they staying together, I don’t think they would ever leave RM1. Mainly because, they both knew how much crap they had in that house. They’re both too lazy to want to move house unless they have to.

    Talk about being “caged”, by your crap.
  12. .
    For Pete’s sake! They’re only pouches!

    What ever happened to the idea that she said she liked, about filling the pouches with items for a woman shelter???

    I guess she thinks her minions are going to clamour over personal items she has owned. That’s creepy!

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 5/16/2022, 06:33 PM
  13. .
    QUOTE (Depl @ 16/5/2022, 16:34) 
    Jen can find a boyfriend or FWB if she wants one. A lid for every pot and all that.

    Her problem is going to be that she is a huge snob. She will think she is too good for any guy she can actually get.

    Oh I don’t think she’ll try to find a boyfriend for awhile.

    This doesn’t mean that she won’t have a crush and build ideas up in her head.

    But an actual real life relationship, won’t likely manifest until the time is up on her alimony. That’s if she can find someone who can tolerate her.

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 5/16/2022, 04:57 PM
  14. .
    When I first joined the Bakery, everyone talked about this paper cutter, as Jens wrapping paper cutter up choice. And one of the bakers gave this link. So I bought it.It glides easily across the paper and is easy on your hands. Not to mention, it’s still available. https://

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 5/16/2022, 04:35 PM
  15. .
    Hey bakers,
    Did Gene ever announce the WWC charity was for the month of May?

    Or, do you think she’s feels she’s given enough to the collective?
665 replies since 3/12/2019