The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by ThatThing

  1. .
    QUOTE (DeathStareD** @ 23/3/2024, 17:55) 
    That white dress… =_=

    You have all the money in the world, all the time to shop in the world, and you pick THAT bland dowdy dress?

    It's giving escaped insane asylum patient 😁
    It looks like something we will see in an upcoming Jessie Hearn photoshoot with the circumstances 🤮
  2. .
    She's Always a Woman by Billy Joel came on the radio today as I drove home from work. And of course I thought of the cringey crooning Jen vlogs 😆
  3. .
    QUOTE (Good Morning Friends @ 11/3/2024, 01:56) 
    QUOTE (VeganLeather @ 10/3/2024, 19:36) 
    I would love to get a list of Gene’s weird/old saying that she uses with alarming frequency:
    -flapping her trap
    -pleased as punch
    -rumpus — technically misused but still used way too much

    Feel free to add your own

    Didn't she refer to one of her walks as a constitutional before? :lol:

    Trimming the tree sounds dated as hell.

    Metropolis... like she's some farm girl who just wandered into the big city for the first time on a horse carriage.

    She got provisions for one of her camping trips.

    And "dry goods" like she's on the Oregon Trail
  4. .
    QUOTE (Strollergate @ 9/3/2024, 17:23) 
    I’m genuinely confused what she thinks she is doing with these vlogs. A minute or so of footage outside, but for the most part these are just hour-long rambling monologues. She manically over shares since this is basically a personal video diary. I would be so ashamed and embarrassed about all of that free time and would keep my privilege to myself. All she has left in her life to be envied is her money and endless me time. But who would envy these when they come with such an empty life? The woman is off-the-rails unhinged.

    Excellent job summing current Jen Ross up 👏
  5. .
    QUOTE (bleucheese @ 28/2/2024, 17:01) 
    why did she flip her head over to do her ponytail. that's for people with 4 strands of hair or more, jen.

    i guess no one cared about her 85th rundisney weekend. maybe if she ever made friends at one of the races she'd have a clique who would care.

    Lolllll she thinks she's so cool, like one of the pretty influencers that make viral videos while they are getting ready
    All that effort was definitely not needed for Jenny's little rat tail

    And Jen please don't think of quitting your dayjob of doing nothing to become a motivational speaker. When you said "you rock" you were basically in tears. Just say it into the mirror next time sweetie. None of us need to hear that
  6. .
    QUOTE (Trash Plate @ 26/2/2024, 15:49) 
    Gif'ed it


    That's one homely mofo
  7. .
    Ewww, caked-on crud on the trash utensils??

    Jen would totally be living in a filthy hoarder trailer if she wasn't a rich divorcee with cleaning ladies.
  8. .
    QUOTE (bleucheese @ 12/2/2024, 15:21) 
    you can be both petite and plus size - for pants, it means that the inseam is shorter.

    jen is short but she's not really short enough for petite. that's why her fugly skater skirts were always a gust of wind away from showing butt.

    Yes. I am somewhere between 5'3" and 5'4" and regular pants can sometimes be too long on me, while petite pants are too short lol. I feel like petite pants are designed for 5'2" and below.

    Re: Jen and the hydration vest. I know she doesn't have friends to help gauge what is reasonable, but doesn't she follow lots of fitness influencers? Are these people also wearing hydration vests and energy pouches for a 3 mile neighborhood jog? (If they are, it's probably just to get more followers to buy them with their affiliate links 😆)
  9. .
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 3/2/2024, 17:02) 
    (source - a little over ten years ago)

    (she doesn't even know what a housewife does, i can't :hearty-laugh:)



    Excellent job, WDDS!

    The problem with Jen is she can't ever admit when she was wrong about anything. She can't just be a normal human and say "Before I had kids I thought I wanted to be a housewife/SAHM. Boy was I wrong! Props to those of you whole do it 24/7/365, I am not cut out for it! I wish I had started a career outside of the home earlier in my life" (note: that last part would be a lie of course, she could have attempted to start a career if she had wanted to; what she really wishes is that she just hadn't had kids at all but she knows she can't say that)

    So, because she is incapable of admitting any faults of her own, she must try to rewrite the narrative to deflect the blame off of her.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 26/1/2024, 16:48) 
    I had to go back and find this post 😂

    She liked this yesterday.


    Read that again, Jenny.



    Which is bigger, her lack of self awareness or her saddlebags?
  11. .
    QUOTE (GRANMA56 @ 21/1/2024, 14:50) 
    Hi! I'm mew here, but a long time follower of the downfall of Jen.

    1. For someone, who has spent the vast majority of her adult life in self care mode, she appears horribly depressed. So either self care doesn't work or she is doing it all wrong.

    2. I know that no one is truly ready to be a parent but Jen had so much 'ME TIME' before kids, the transition to motherhood seems to have derailed her. Even though she has more time on her hands then the average to still get Me Time.

    3. The amount if time she spends planning in all thos books? My God! I love a good planner but I'm too busy actually DOING those plans, I don't have gobs of time to write about it.

    4. I've never seen anyone who spends so much on crap to 'treat yo self'. I think her spending is a sign of depression. My brother does this when he's depressed. Spending gives a high for a quick second.

    5. I watched old vlogs recently and I've changed over that last decade, but not that much and I've been through some serious drama, but I'm still genuinely the same person. Jen seem so lost and unhappy with her life. Clearly money doesn't buy happiness.

    Agree completely!
  12. .
    The lovies :/ its so, so strange. My kid is Donny's age, has many cousins around their ages and I am around kids all day at work. I don't see any of them carrying stuffies and blankies around at this age in public
  13. .
    QUOTE (D**'sGlowUp @ 10/1/2024, 18:45) 
    This might be unpopular but having done some real dumb sh*t in my own lifetime (that involved cops being called) I am one for the belief that none of us truly know the facts or circumstances of a situation and the people directly involved are best positioned to decide what is best for them.

    T is a grown woman, and while everyone is quick to say drop that loser and run, it may be worthwhile for them to get collective help and figure this out for their family that I believe both of them are committed to. I am not one for forgiving crap treatment and giving multiple chances, but if this is his one big screw up and IF AND ONLY IF he’s willing to seek intensive help and commit to change I believe that is the better outcome than another uprooting for the couple and the children involved. As someone in a second marriage myself, I don’t advocate for drop and run. Keeping a family together with the added complexity of ex-spouses and step-siblings is hard work. Finding a co-pilot in life is also hard. I’m glad that T (appears to be) someone who doesn’t tolerate bullshit, and I trust her to make decisions that make sense for her and her household without speculating that things are at the extreme end of horrible.

    The one thing in this I am truly outraged by is how Jen has acted out online and made this all about herself. Whether she feels “vindicated” by this dirt or what ever her first priority as a mother should have been to protect her children because like it or not that is their father and their last name Jen is helping smear dirt on.

    True, I am willing to acknowledge that I don't know all the goings-on in RM3 and things do sometimes happen lile you described. So I will hold off on judging Tens. Im just wishing peace and happiness for her and the 5 kiddos.
  14. .
    Jen, maybe just don't talk for a while.
  15. .
    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 8/12/2023, 06:30) 
    We need that thong shot of Jen opposite Don's shirtless bed pic 😂

    Their poor kids

    Seriously between the airing of her disdain for her own family, showing her flabby butt in a thong, I am scared for what's next 😳. She is a trainwreck. All because she is spoiled and completely self involved, and refuses to listen to anyone.
313 replies since 28/3/2021