The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by ID**’tEatSugar

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    QUOTE (RikkiJones @ 4/28/2024, 05:22 PM) 
    QUOTE (LateKate @ 4/27/2024, 08:51 PM) 
    She keeps saying that CC hasn’t shown any interest in this or that, one of her multiple possessions. I’m sure when CC did show interest in something, she went, “NO, THIS IS MOMMY’S” one too many times and now CC is too afraid to show interest in any of her things.

    You can bet that CC and her step sisters play beauty shop and fix each other's hair.
    Jenny is just a fun hater.

    to be fair, it’s not like CC can really play beauty shop on her mother, Miss Baldy McBalderson. :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon
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    QUOTE (Yetta @ 4/28/2024, 01:37 PM) 
    And, don't forget that she puts Acetone directly on her skin!

    Wait like nail polish remover acetone? On her face? :in-disbelief-smiley-emoticon:
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    Time for a reminder of some of our rules:

    1. One account per person. No exceptions.

    2. Treat your fellow posters and admin with respect. Debate and discussion is welcome, flaming and trolling is not.

    3. Do not post personal information (i.e. addresses, phone numbers, license plates) of influencers or any information that might compromise their physical safety. This applies even if this information is “public” via Google. Likewise, we recommend not posting information about yourself that could lead anyone back to your true identity. Safety first!

    4. Do not share here that you have posted on any influencer’s social media accounts or any other social media accounts/platforms not affiliated with the bakery. Do not share here that you have been blocked. Do not share here that you are “reporting” them for any reason. What you do outside of this forum is your business and we don’t need to know about it.

    5. No linking to social media accounts belonging to minors. Discussion is ok.

    6. Use good judgement when it comes to discussing extended family members who don’t feature heavily in an influencers’ videos.

    7. Disregard for any of the above guidelines will result in warnings. Three strikes and you’re out rule applies.

    Admin and Mods reserve the right to handle, at their discretion, any other issues as and when they arise.
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    QUOTE (Poles & Planners @ 4/28/2024, 12:58 PM) 
    Or my man brings me coffee does yours? 😂

    I’m special like Nikki: my man DID bring me coffee yesterday! :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon
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    QUOTE (Knitwit @ 4/28/2024, 02:39 AM) 
    QUOTE (Michelemomma @ 27/4/2024, 05:40) 
    Yes Twyla I’ve said gay from minute one. I used to get friend vibes off the two of them but the more time goes by you can def tell he despises here. Big fat cow sugar mama 🤮

    I bet he pukes after they sleep together 🤢

    I just finished reading “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.” Can’t agree with you more. The similarities are astounding.

    That was such a good book.
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    I can’t bear to look at my garden/flower beds. There are SO many weeds. :cry: and I can’t get out and take care of them because of my sloooowww recovery from my knee replacement. All of my hard work the past 2 years or so and now it’s just awful. :cry:
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    Anyone here good with houseplants? Terrariums? I have questions. :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon
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    Magnolia Ito :hug:
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    Only moderators and admin can start new threads.
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    Remember, the kids are so tired when they come to her house so they don’t really do anything. The kids aren’t learning new things and having new experiences with her.
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    “Bunny love” Does she know what bunnies do? We know she and D** didn’t f like bunnies. :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon
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    That’s awful! I’m sorry, Pays :(
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    Guys, we banned them this morning. Unfortunately, this site is set up to allow banned people to still send messages and we have no control over that. Just don’t read the messages. You can delete without reading.
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    New thread:
14836 replies since 29/7/2016